Bomb series drop key doesn't drop the chosen number

I put the bomb series amount to 4 and in some matches when pressed it only drops one bomb, but after that if pressed again it drops 4, which is frustrating and annoying when you are going for a base and press the bomb series drop button and it only drops one and before you make a turn to finish the base another player comes in and takes the base and it appears to happen randomly, I can’t be sure if it happens this match or the match after and has given me trust issues lol. A patch to fix this problem would be appreciated

yes this is a bug but its kinda off chance so collecting information is hard

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Same here, sometimes the series work, sometimes not.

My current workaround is to reduce speed, release air brakes and to use single drops if i get “caught” by this. This depends, ofc, on the abilities of your plane…