BOL Chaff NEEDS to be brought up to its realistic capability

Should BOL Chaff be buffed?

  • Yes
  • No
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Currrently BOL chaff performs woefully, which puts any users, ESPECIALLY those only with BOL at a huge disadvantage to the point where chaffing ARH missiles is virtually impossible, whereas those with large and normal chaff can even accidentally chaff missiles. The disparity is a-historical and really hurts BOL users. Currently BOL chaff’s signature is about 25% that of a standard CM, much too low.



Sure 20mm chaff should perform like 40-60mm chaff….no

BOL isnt like any standard 20mm chaff cartridge.

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BOL currently performs about 75% worse than standard sized countermeasures, even though a BOL chaff packet weighs more than a standard CM


ig justwait since the report got accepted