Feel free to discuss the subject if anymore information is made public here! (No Sikret Document pls)
I think 14.3 would be an appropriate br, whats decompression anyway
14.3?? Do you hate USA or something? It should clearly be 13.0
I’ve never understood this, how does it not flatspin without any horizontal stabilizers?
Does it use thrust vectoring or something? One engine gives more power to compensate?
I honestly have no idea. Trump announced it would be “more maneuvrable than any other fighters” so I’m guessing it has to use TVC.
Very advanced FBW is also at play.
I guess at this point in technology thrust vectoring must be on it, right? Idk what they would do if it didn’t have that
there are a number of self stabilizing shapes that dont include fins in all directions, id assume it is aerodynamically stable and other than stability rudder is used for some maneuvering but idk if they really need it or can compensate with FBW
Dunno why but that look like duck… Aka Stealth Duck.
Edit: It look like it have Canards.
What are you expecting from a mock-up?
Afaik it’s not a mockup and it’s been flying since 2020.
yeah iirc airforce has even confirmed there being flight tests
Will hit production faster than whatever pile of garbage russians tried to make, lol
Wouldnt be suprised if it will go into massive production before of 100’st SU-57 would be built
It is said that production begins immediately and it will be flown under Trump’s presidency so yeah I wouldn’t be surprised. I would be interested in knowing unit cost though.
The only thing I was able to find is this :
This would be nice to see ingame (in like 15 to 20 years XD)
gaijin when?
Next patch, my friend.
Locked to 12g pull with RCS of Manhattan. Because marketing lie.
i think this jet can help pilot to resist more G pressure
Lmao, can’t wait to read all the mental gymnastics justifying that canards are the next best thing for stealth – coming from the same gymnasts that said canards on the J20 are bad.