- Yes
- No

History and origins:
The Bo-105 LS A-2, later coming to be known as the LS A-3, is a one of a kind helicopter with a story to match. Firstly, its a Bo-105 with uprated engines, as if the mobility wasn’t already enough. The Bo-105 LS A-2 starts its ambitious yet tragic journey in 1985, Germany, the year of its birth. It initially received the designation, D-HLSD, and was upgraded by MBB to the LS A-3 standard.
It spent many years in tests and trials until being redesignated as the N204NH. In 1992 it was sent for demonstrator trials abroad to America under AEC, for marketing purposes. It didn’t fare well and wasn’t looked upon favourably, probably because the US already had the Apache. Its time in the US was short as it got redesignated again as the D-HLSA as an ECD (EuroCopter Deustchland) demonstrator in 1994.
Sadly, the unique Bo-105 with hellfires was written off in a fatal crash on the 18th of August, 1995. Thus the story of the LS A-3 ended.
What makes the LS A-3 special is not just Hellfire capability, but also TOW-2 missiles and the modernised version of a HeliTOW sighting system. Also due to the fact that it has Laser painting capability, it can use APKWS and other guided rockets (which can also be mounted under the 3 x rocket + 12.7mm Gunpods). Also, since the munitions are all hung below the pylons, all configurations can carry the countermeasure pods, giving the LS A-3 the capability to always have 60 countermeasures.
Max speed: 252kmph
Max altitude: 6,100m
Engine: 2 x Allison 250-C28C Turboshaft engines (550hp)
Power: 1,100hp
Empty weight: 1.25t
MTOW: 2.5t
LRF: Yes
Thermals: Yes (A licensed variant of the modernised HeliTOW)


- https://archive.org/details/janesallworldsai8081tayl/page/84/mode/2up?q=bk+117&view=theater
- https://archive.org/details/janesallworldsai8182tayl/page/84/mode/2up?q=bk+117&view=theater
- PAH-1 BO 105 (MBB)
- Bo 105 with Hellfires and thermal sight - Germany - War Thunder - Official Forum
- More Bo-105 loadout options - Germany - War Thunder - Official Forum
- EADS N.V. - Eurocopter to deliver 12 BO 105 helicopters to the Albanian Defense Ministry
- Change the BO-105 CB-2 to something premium worthy - Germany - War Thunder - Official Forum
- Can Hellfire missiles be mounted above the skids? | Secret Projects Forum
- "MBB BO 105 LS from 2001 to 2029"