The BMP is fast with a rapid firing auto cannon and ATGMs it needs to be nerfed or moved up in BR
It having all these features makes it too OP
The BMP is fast with a rapid firing auto cannon and ATGMs it needs to be nerfed or moved up in BR
It having all these features makes it too OP
Totally agree, a vehicle with such firepower has no place at 8.7
Yes it’s outrageous so many nations don’t have a counter.
The ATGM can penetrate armour and therfore its OP
100000% agree, the vehicle should be limited to HE ATGMs and 30mm HE only /s
Absolutely, the scream heard round the world
It ought to go up and its very annoying that vehicles like the Ratel zt3 cant fire on the move like the BMP when it is realistically capable of doing so.
Indeed sources are conflicting don’t you know
Even though there is one source it’s conflicting
I hope this is satire
Its annoying how many primary sources exist for other vehilces to be able to shoot an ATGM on the move, but its only allowed to exist on the BMPs
What BMP are we talking about here? The BMP-2? BMP-1? BMP-3?
All the BPMs
But the BMP-1 and 2 can’t fire their ATGM while moving? Only the BMP-2M and BMP-3 can…
The ATGM can penetrate metal and that’s op
and they are still the only ones that can. ZT3A2 for example clearly states on multiple primary sources the ATGM can be fired on the move but its been routinely denied. I wonder how many others that is the same for.
The sources are conflicting don’t you know