BMMP — Welcome the naval infantry

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BMMP (Boyevaya Mashina Morskoy Pekhoty)


The BMMP (Boyevaya Mashina Morskoy Pekhoty), or Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle, is a state-of-the-art modular platform developed by OmskTransMash, a subsidiary of UralVagonZavod. The project aims to replace the obsolete BTR-80 and BMP-3, modernizing and expanding the capabilities of the Russian naval infantry to meet the strategic and operational requirements of the current context. The BMMP emerges as a definitive solution to the obsolescence of its predecessor, the original BMMP model developed by KurganMashZavod, firstly appearing in 2018 as part of a slideshow published and quickly removed by UralVagonZavod, briefly shown in the Army2020. This vehicle, designed as a temporary alternative, failed to fully meet the operational needs of the Russian naval infantry and was progressively phased out. With the introduction of the BMMP, it became possible to develop a more efficient and adaptable platform, with enhanced capabilities for operations in modern environments, especially in amphibious combat and combined operations.

Initially, the BMMP was conceived as a hybrid solution, combining the combat system of the BMP-2 with the chassis of the BMP-3F, a version of the BMP-3 designed for amphibious operations. However, this approach proved insufficient to meet the challenges of contemporary military operations, leading to the creation of a new vehicle specifically designed to address the complex demands of the Russian naval forces. In addition to meeting domestic needs, the BMMP was also developed to compete with other advanced amphibious combat vehicles on the global market, such as the AAAV (Assault Amphibious Vehicle) of the United States and the ZBD-05 (Zhuangjia Bingqi Danyuan-05, 05装甲兵器单元) of China. The AAAV, designed for amphibious landings, and the ZBD-05, developed for use by the Chinese armed forces, present direct challenges in terms of mobility, firepower, and versatility. With its enhanced capabilities, the BMMP was designed to offer a robust and efficient alternative to these competitors, excelling in the performance of its operational roles.

The design of the BMMP prioritizes improvements in mobility, firepower, and protection for Russian naval troops, both in land and aquatic operations. Its unified modular design allows for various configurations, catering to different needs such as logistics support, command, direct combat, and indirect fire support. This flexibility ensures that the vehicle is effective in a wide range of operational scenarios. In terms of armament, the BMMP is equipped with the 57mm AU-220M Baikal/Bajkal automatic cannon, a high-precision system capable of engaging a wide range of targets, including armored vehicles, infantry units, and low-altitude aerial targets. For mobility, the BMMP is powered by a GTD-1500 gas turbine engine, enabling the vehicle to reach speeds of up to 37 km/h on water and 75 km/h on land. This combination provides excellent performance in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. The vehicle’s armor is designed to withstand impacts from heavy machine guns up to 14.5mm, providing significant protection for the crew even in intense combat situations.

  • Weaponry

Primary: 57 mm AU-220M auto cannon (148 rounds)
Secondary 7,62 mm PKTM machine gun (coaxial, 750 rounds)

  • Armor

Turret: 43/43/43 mm

Chassis: 30/60/60 mm

  • Mobility

Engine: Klimov GTD-1500 (1500hp)
Max speed: 75 km/h / 37 km/h (in water) (at 42.8 hp/ST)
Cruising range: ~300 km / ~100 km (in water)

  • Crew

Driver, Gunner, Commander

  • Miscellaneous

Lenght: 10,5 m
Width: 3,4 m
Height: 3,4 m (with turret)
Weight: 35.000 t
Clearence: ~250 mm

Using the hydropneumatic suspension control, the chassis is leveled with the tracks, and a cover is positioned to completely cover the front, enhancing the vehicle’s aquatic mobility.


rendering of the vehicle, author: UralVagonZavod

representation of the internals of the vehicle, author: OmskTransMash

detailed representation of the internals characterists of the vehicle, author: OmskTransMash

mechanical proccess made for amphibious operations, with no preparation required

representation of the amphibious modules featured in the vehicle, author: OmskTransMash

technical comparison of the BMMP with other counterparts, author: OmskTransMash


Унифицированная боевая платформа: Предложения по созданию боевых и обеспечивающих машин archived/restored at (2018) research and production corporation UralVagonZavod. p. 3;

Унифицированная боевая платформа: Предложения по созданию боевых и обеспечивающих машин archived/restored at (2018) research and production corporation UralVagonZavod. p. 5-6;

product1610 at (unknown). Blog post.

Marine Assault Vehicle Platform ‘BMMP’ at (2018) George1. Forum post.

Russland: Amphibisches Kampffahrzeug BMMP at (2018) theoderich. Forum post.

This High-Speed Amphibious Armored Vehicle Could Race Russia’s Naval Infantry Ashore at (2019) J. Trevithick. News post.

BMMP project from Omsktransmash: a preliminary look and an unknown future at (2018). (unknown). News post.

Veículo de combate do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais: o antigo projeto lembrou de si mesmo at (2022). (unknown). News post.



Looks very good! hope this gets added.

This looks like a mock-up. Do we know for sure a functional prototype has been produced?

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The turret equipped on the chassis is a mockup, but it already exist.




+1, this would be a great meme vehicle

+1 modern Ka-Chi

The ZTD-05 at home. Still, would be an interesting addition

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It’s hard to say because this is literally the only photo of this car and it’s not of the best quality.


Also there’s another picture of the vehicle outdoors that appeared on the slideshow:


If someone want to look for, this is the slideshow cover:


Was just about to send that, I’m fairly certain the whole thing is a mock-up, even the additional hull armour doesn’t look real. Would be nice to be proven wrong though.


it’s more a case of knowing if the hull exists as it uses the AU 220M turret which is also found on the 2S38