BM Oplot

The main battle tank BM OPLOT is a tracked combat vehicle with high firepower, reliable protection and high mobility.

The Ukrainian main battle tank BM OPLOT is a tracked combat vehicle with high firepower, reliable protection and high mobility.

The tank is designed to engage with fire all types of ground (surface) and low-flying air targets at low speeds in conditions of enemy fire resistance.

The tank was developed by KMDB named after. Morozov based on the T-80UD, a series of Soviet T-80 tanks. The chief designer of the vehicle is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant General M.D. Borisyuk, General Designer for the creation of armored vehicles and artillery systems, Head of the KMDB KP. Produced by the ZTM plant named after. Malysheva.

The tank is designed to engage with fire all types of ground (surface) and low-flying air targets at low speeds in conditions of enemy fire resistance.

The tank was developed by KMDB named after. Morozov based on the T-80UD, a series of Soviet T-80 tanks. The chief designer of the vehicle is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant General M.D. Borisyuk, General Designer for the creation of armored vehicles and artillery systems, Head of the KMDB KP. Produced by the ZTM plant named after. Malysheva.

At the moment, the tank is in service with Ukraine and Thailand, and is also located at the training center of the US Armed Forces.



Parameter Value
Tank gun
Brand KBA-3
Caliber, mm 125
Shutter type Horizontal wedge, semi-automatic
Vertical pumping angles (to hard stops), degrees from -4 to +15
Horizontal guidance angle (together with the tank turret), degrees 360
Horizontally 0.2t.d.(BPS, KS D=2000m)
Vertical 0.2t.d.(BPS, KS D=2000m)
Coaxial machine gun
Mark KT-7.62 (PKT) with removal of powder gases
Caliber, mm 7.62
Technical rate of fire, rds/min. 700…800
Anti-aircraft machine gun installation
Type autonomous
Control remote
Control mode automatic, vertically stabilized
Armament, brand KT-12.7
Caliber, mm 12.7
Power tape
Technical rate of fire, rds/min. 700
Number of cartridges in the belt, pcs. 150
Maximum firing range, m:
Air targets 2000
For ground targets 2000
Angles of fire (targeting), degrees:
Vertical from -3 to 60
Horizontal 360
Loading mechanism


The loading mechanism is a complex designed for automatic loading of a gun with any type of shot and consisting of a conveyor, an automatic loader and a control system.

Parameter Value
Number of projectile types electrohydromechanical with constant loading angle
Conveyor capacity, lines 28
Rotation of the conveyor two-way
Conveyor rotation speed, degrees/s 25…33
Duration of loading one shot, s:
Minimum 7 (when turning the conveyor by 1 step)
Maximum 12.5 (when the conveyor is rotated 180°)
Loading time for firing shots from manual drives MZ, min., no more:
When turning the conveyor by 1 step 1.0
When turning the conveyor by 14 steps 1.6
Removing the spent pallet catching and placing in an empty tray without depressurizing the fighting compartment
Method of chambering a shot tandem chambering (projectile-charge) in one cycle
Availability of redundant drives manual: conveyor drive, manual feed mechanism, conveyor stopper and gun stopper
Time to load the conveyor with shots (in loading mode), min. 15…20

The tank loading mechanism control system is designed for:

  • ensuring control of the operation of mechanical and hydraulic units of the MZ
  • ensuring control of firing circuits from a cannon and coaxial machine gun
  • storing information about the types of shots loaded into the MZ conveyor
Fire control complex


KUO provides:

  • automatic development and testing of weapon aiming angles and lateral lead, taking into account various deviations of firing conditions from normal
  • duplicate shooting from the commander’s position from a cannon and coaxial machine gun
  • firing from the commander’s seat from an anti-aircraft machine gun
Parameter Value
Ready time for work, min., no more than 3.0
Preparation time for the first shot from a cannon, s
from place 10…12
on the move 10…15
Daygunner’s sight 1G46-M
Type optical sight with two-plane independent stabilization of the field of view, with a laser rangefinder and a laser missile control channel
Magnification, times 2.7…12
Field of view, degrees 4…20
Pointing angles of the stabilized line of sight, degrees:
in the vertical plane -15…+20
in the horizontal plane ±(8±1)
together with the tower 360
Sighting speed, degrees/s:
In the vertical plane:
minimum, no more than 0.05
smooth guidance from 0.05 to 1.0
maximum, not less than 3.0
In the horizontal plane:
minimum, no more than 0.05
smooth guidance from 0.05 to 1.0
maximum, not less than 3.0
Laser rangefinder
range of measured range, m 400…5000
measurement error, m ±10
Thermal imaging complex


1 - head mirror block; 2 - indication of sight activation; 3 - forehead lock lever; 4 - key space for rough alignment vertically; 5 - micromonitor eyepiece; 6 - micromonitor diopter adjustment handle; 7 - STOP-DISTANCE handle of the drive; 8 - control panel; 9 - adjusting the image contrast in the micromonitor; 10 - toggle switch for turning on the heating of the eyepiece; 11 - adjusting the brightness of the image in the micromonitor; 12 - indicator for turning on the heating of the micromonitor ocular lens; 13 - adjustment of OUT.GN of the interface block; 14 - adjustment of Kr GN of the interface block; 15 - micromonitor headband; 16 - forehead lock button; 17 - desiccant cartridge.

Designed for observation, detection, recognition and identification of targets and ensuring aimed shooting from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun, in all operating conditions.

Parameter Value
Brand PTT-2
Type thermal imaging, monocular (with built-in micromonitor)
Spectrum of working wavelengths, microns from 8 to 12
Wide field of view, °, not less than:
vertical 6.75
horizontally 9
Narrow field of view, °, no less:
vertical 2.25
horizontal 3
Field of view with electronic magnification, °, not less than:
vertical 1.12
horizontal 1.5
electronic magnification 1.5x1.12
Target detection range with a thermal contrast of the object relative to the background of at least 5 C, in a narrow field of view m, at least: 8000
Target recognition range with a thermal contrast of the object relative to the background of at least 2 C, in a narrow field of view m, at least: 4500
Target identification range, m, not less than:
Target identification range with a thermal contrast of the object relative to the background of at least 2 C, in a narrow field of view m, at least: 2500
Ready time (depending on ambient temperature), min from 5 to 8
Visual field stabilization:
vertical electric drive
horizontally together with the tower
Pumping range, ° from -15 to +20
Panoramic sighting system

1 – TKN-6 sight; 2 – electrical unit EB-6; 3 – control unit for the BUG-6 head; 4 – switching unit BK-6; 5 – parallelogram drive, 6 – gun position sensor, 7 – guidance panel, 8 – TPV camera control panel.

The complex is intended for:

  • detection, recognition and identification of ground and air targets in day and night conditions from the tank commander’s seat
  • measuring the range to the target with a laser rangefinder
  • issuing target designation to the gunner
  • firing from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun from the commander’s seat in the backup weapons control mode
  • firing from an anti-aircraft machine gun.
Parameter Value
Visual field stabilization independent, in two planes
Pointing angles of the stabilized line of sight, degrees:
down, no less than 15
up, no less than 60
in the horizontal plane 360
Magnification factor of the daytime visual channel, times 1.2 6.0 12.0
Field of view of the daytime visual channel, deg. 30 10 5.5
Field of view of the thermal imaging channel, degrees:
wide field of view 9x6.75
narrow field of view 3x2.25
electronic magnification 1.5x1.12
Spectral range of thermal imaging camera, microns 8-12
Detection range of a “tank” type target, m, not less than:
via visual channel 5500
through a thermal imaging channel in a narrow field of view 8000
Range for measuring distance to target, m 200-9500
Root mean square error of measuring the range to a target with a laser rangefinder, m, no more than ±5


Main weapon stabilizer

The main weapon stabilizer provides stabilization and stabilized weapon guidance in the vertical and horizontal planes.

Parameter Value
Type 2E42M
Vertical guidance drive electrohydraulic
Horizontal guidance drive electromechanical
Average stabilization error, mrad:
in the vertical plane 0.3
in the horizontal plane 0.4
Hover speedI guns, deg./s:
in the vertical plane:
minimum, no more than 0.05
target 0.05…1
transfer 4…6
in the horizontal plane:
minimum, no more than 0.05
target 0.05…1
transfer 35…40
Tank ballistic computer

Type - analog-digital with a system of built-in control and digital interrogation of parameters, automatic generation of aiming and lead angles for all types of projectiles and a coaxial machine gun, taking into account all topometeoballistic parameters that affect the accuracy of fire, automatic registration and storage of the CDU parameters in various operating modes is ensured.

Parameters automatically taken into account by the computer - range to the target, the tank’s own movement, target speed, side wind speed, roll of the gun trunnion axis, angular speed of the target in the vertical and horizontal planes, target elevation angle, heading angle of the tank, portable and relative speeds of the tank, initial projectile launch speed.

SUZU anti-aircraft gun control system - designed for:

  • ensuring stabilization and stabilized guidance of anti-aircraft installations in horizontal and vertical planes
  • automatic generation and input of aiming angles and lateral lead, taking into account deviations of shooting conditions from normal
Parameter name Value
Roll sensor
Range of measured roll angles of the trunnion axis, degrees, not less than ±15
Measurement error, degrees, no more than 0.5
Wind sensor
Type capacitive
Brand TWO-BS
Measurement range of the transverse component of wind speed, m/s, no more than 20
Measurement error, m/s ±1
Tank speed sensor
Tank speed measurement range, km/h, not less than 75
Measurement error, km/h, no more than 0.5
Tower position sensor
Measurement range of the angular position of the tank turret, degrees, not less than 360
Measurement error, degrees, no more than 1
System for accounting for trunk bending SUIT
Range of measured bending angles in vertical and horizontal planes, mrad., not less than ±5
Measurement resolution, mrad., no more than 0.1

image image image

Ballistic protection


Main armor passive protection

Type - anti-ballistic, combined and shielded, using a complex of built-in anti-tandem dynamic protection.

Built-in anti-tandem dynamic protection (VPTDZ Duplet-2M)

The Duplet-2M VPTDZ set is designed to increase the level of tank protection against armor-piercing and cumulative ammunition, including those with tandem warheads.

The VPTDS consists of a nose module and side screens installed on the tank hull, as well as modular sections located along the outer perimeter of the frontal and side sections of the turret and containers installed on the roof of the turret.

Mine protection

Ensures the preservation of the combat capability of the crew and the operability of the internal equipment of the tank in the event of an explosion under the track.

Special protective equipment

Optoelectronic countermeasures complex


To increase the tank’s security, it uses an optical-electronic countermeasures complex.

The optical-electronic countermeasures complex provides:

  • suppression of ATGM control systems with feedback via the IR coordinator due to light interference in the ±2° sector in the vertical plane
  • disruption of targeting of ATGM tanks using laser target illumination and heads with semi-active laser homing, as well as artillery systems with laser rangefinders, due to remote placement of aerosol curtains in the sector ±45° relative to the bore of the main weapon
  • suppression of ATGM control systems with feedback via the IR coordinator due to the installation of light interference in a sector of ±20° relative to the bore of the main weapon in the horizontal plane and ±2° in the vertical plane.
Parameter Value
Optical-electronic suppression station
Ready time, s 60
Continuous operation time, h 6 (unlimited in combat conditions)
Sector of light interference, degrees:
In the vertical plane ±2
In the horizontal plane relative to the gun axis ±20
Aerosol curtain installation system
Operating mode automatic, semi-automatic, manual
Response time of the complex in automatic mode, s, less than 0.5
Viewing sector by four laser radiation indicators, degrees:
horizontally 360
vertical -5…+25
Number of mortars, pcs. 12
Grenade caliber, mm 80
Distance of the curtain, m, not less than 50
Grenade used:
Time of formation of the curtain, s, no more than 3
Average dimensions of the curtain created by one grenade, m 10x15
Lifetime of the effective curtain, s 60

###Collective defense system

The collective protection system provides protection for the crew and internal equipment from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents, as well as detection and suppression of fires in the habitable and engine compartments.

Defense system against weapons of mass destruction

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance device PRHR-M1

The PRHR-M1 device is designed for continuous monitoring, detection, signaling and control of actuators of protective equipment:

  • with powerful gamma radiation (nuclear explosion)
  • with gamma radiation from a radioactively contaminated area with measurement of the exposure dose rate of gamma radiation
  • when vapors of toxic substances of a potential enemy appear in the air

When toxic substances appear in the ambient air or the presence of gamma radiation from the area, the device provides a light and sound alarm, as well as a command that turns on the supercharger and moves the air filter valve to the filter ventilation position.

When detecting powerful gamma radiation, the device providesat the light and sound alarm, as well as the command that stops the engine, switches the FVU valve to filter ventilation mode, stops the supercharger if it was turned on, and then turns it on after 30…50 s.

The device provides testing of its electrical circuits without issuing or issuing commands to the actuators.

Parameter Value
Range of measured gamma radiation exposure dose rate, R/h 0.2…150
Operation time, s, no more than:
with powerful gamma radiation 0.1
with gamma radiation from a radioactively contaminated area 10
when vapors of toxic chemicals appear in the air outside the facility 40

Filter ventilation unit (FVU)

The FVU is designed to clean the outside air from toxic substances, radioactive dust, biological aerosols, supply purified air to the habitable compartment and create excess pressure in it, and ventilate the habitable compartment from fire extinguishing agents after extinguishing a fire.

Parameter Value
Air consumption, m3/h:
through filter-absorber FPT 100 not less than 100
bypassing the absorber filter not less than 390

The filter ventilation unit has 2 operating modes:

  • ventilation mode, in which the blower supplies dust-free air to the habitable compartment, bypassing the absorber filter
  • filter ventilation mode, in which the supercharger supplies purified air to the habitable compartment through an absorber filter.

Fire and explosion suppression system

The system with optical sensors and temperature sensors is designed to detect fires in the habitable and engine compartments and quickly eliminate them; issuing commands to turn on ventilation to remove pyrolysis products from the habitable compartment.

Parameter Value
Methods of actuation:
automatically when the on-board network of the product is turned on
manually from the “PO”, “ZO” buttons on the remote control to the corresponding compartments
by habitable compartment, ms, no more than 150
by logistics, s, no more than 10
Multiplicity of action 2
Number of cylinders with fire extinguishing agent, pcs. 4

Extinguishing is ensured by filling the free space of the compartment where the fire occurred with fire extinguishing agent from cylinders.

The product uses cylinders with a capacity of 2 liters, filled with fire extinguishing agent Freon 114B2 or another composition, as agreed, under a pressure of 75 kgf/cm2. The cylinders are equipped with quick-acting heads with pressure indicators.

To ensure the survivability of the product, two cylinders are installed in the PPO system for each compartment (PO, MTO).

Detection Protection

Distorting coloring

Deforming coloring is intended to reduce the optical visibility of an object against a natural background, distort its image in order to make recognition (identification) difficult, reduce the detection range by reconnaissance means and make it difficult for the gunner to aim at a selected point in its silhouette.

The deforming coloring used is three-color. The primary color is green-protective, the secondary color is gray-yellow and the secondary color is black. Desert coloring option is possible. Four-color pixel warp coloring is also used. The main color is protective green, additional colors are gray-yellow, dark brown and black.

Thermal protection

Thermal protection is designed to reduce the range and probability of detection of a tank by thermal reconnaissance means and homing heads of precision-guided ammunition.

Thermal protection consists of thermal insulating screens.

Thermal smoke equipment

Thermal smoke equipment is designed for setting up smoke screens using diesel fuel.

Parameter Value
Mode of action repeated
Duration of continuous action, min., no more than 10
Fuel consumption, l/min. 10-12

Set of camouflage coatings

A set of camouflage coatings (nets) is designed to reduce:

  • visibility of the tank in the visible range
  • the value of the effective scattering surface of the tank in order to reduce its detection range using reconnaissance and weapon guidance radar stations
  • thermal radiation from the heated outer surfaces of the tank in order to reduce its detection range using thermal imaging devices and reduce the likelihood of the tank being “captured” by IR homing heads of anti-tank weapons (ATGMs, mortar mines, artillery shells)
Parameter Value
Level of reduction in power of the reflected signal from a camouflaged object (in the range of 0.8-4 cm), dB, no more than 18
Reducing the probability of detecting a tank under a mask by airborne radar reconnaissance equipment, at ranges of 20 km or more (with a terrain resolution of 5…15 m), compared with an open one, by at least 2
Reducing the likelihood of a tank being captured under a mask by radar weapon guidance systems, compared to an open one, by at least 2
Probability of detecting a camouflaged object on an aerial photograph, with resolutionon the ground not lower than 0.2 m, should not exceed 0.3
During visual observation, the object under the mask should not be recognized at ranges, m, not less than 1000
Reduction in the level of IR radiation of an object under a mask compared to an open one, times, not less than 1.5
Applicable paint colors protective green, gray-yellow

The power plant is a complex of components and assemblies, including the engine and its servicing systems: fuel supply, air supply, lubrication, cooling, exhaust gases and heating. The power plant can be operated in the ambient temperature range from -40°C to +55°C.



The 6TD engine is a multi-fuel six-cylinder two-stroke liquid-cooled diesel engine.

Parameter Value
Maximum diesel stand power when operating on diesel fuel, kW (hp) 882 (1200)
Maximum torque of a diesel engine when operating on diesel fuel at a diesel engine speed of HF (2050±10) min.-1, Nm (kgf.m) 3135 (320)
Crankshaft rotation speed at maximum power, min.-1 2600
Specific fuel consumption in maximum power mode, g/kW.h (G/hp.h) 211…231 (155…170)
Dry diesel mass, kg 1180
Overall dimensions of diesel engine, mm:
length 1602
width 955
height 581

The engine is adapted to an automated transmission control system, the regulator is equipped with a fuel pump rack travel sensor, and the diesel engine is equipped with a crankshaft speed meter.

The electrohydromechanical speed controller implements a special mechanism that limits the fuel supply in the frequency range 800…2000 min.-1, which ensures a decrease in the optical density of the exhaust gases in start-up and free acceleration modes.

The engine fuel equipment uses injectors with a shut-off needle.

The engine consists of a block, crank mechanism, crankcases, cylinders, gear mechanism, compressor, gas turbine and attached units: starter-generator, water pump, TK-150 air compressor, fuel pump regulator, fuel filters, high-pressure fuel pumps, oil centrifugal filter, air distributor and other components.

The engine cylinders are located horizontally. Each cylinder has purge and exhaust ports. Purge windows serve to purge and fill the cylinders with air, exhaust windows ensure the removal of exhaust gases from the cylinders. The improved configuration of the purge ports provides improved efficiency by improving the gas exchange and mixture formation process. The exhaust gases leaving the cylinders enter the gas turbine through the exhaust manifold.

Each cylinder has two opposing moving pistons. When they come together as close as possible, a combustion chamber is formed. Each piston is connected to its own crankshaft through a connecting rod. During reciprocating motion, the pistons open and close the purge and exhaust windows, i.e. perform the functions of a gas distribution mechanism. The pistons use an improved needle bearing for the upper end of the connecting rod, which provides the ability to increase the maximum combustion pressure, service life and reliability.

The charge air compressor improves diesel parameters due to a more efficient compression process achieved by improving the aerodynamics of the flow section.

A gas turbine converts exhaust gas energy into mechanical energy, which is used to drive a compressor.

The engine is installed in the engine-transmission compartment. Its installation does not require alignment or adjustment. The axes of the engine crankshafts are located transverse to the longitudinal axis of the tank.

The engine has three mounting points: two yokes at the rear and a pivot mount at the front.

Fuel supply system

The fuel supply system includes:

  • fuel tanks
  • drainage tank
  • fuel distribution valve
  • shut-off valve for external tanks
  • fuel priming pumps
  • filling fuel filter, coarse filter
  • fine filter
  • petrol centrifugal pump
  • filling pump with tap
  • air separating tank, check valve
  • fuel meters
  • pipelines

The fuel for powering the engine is placed in tanks with a total capacity of 1140 liters.

Fuel used: diesel fuel, jet fuel, gasoline and mixtures thereof.

The system supplies the engine with fuel both from each group of tanks separately, and from both groups of tanks simultaneously.

The fuel system also provides power to the power unit located on the right fender using pipelines led through the side.

Refueling can be done centrally through the tank filler necks, as well as using a refueling pump.

Parameter Value
Capacity ininternal fuel tanks, l 575
Capacity of external fuel tanks, l 570
Capacity of additional fuel barrels, l 380 (190x2)

Air supply system

The engine air supply system is designed to clean the air entering the engine from dust. Three-stage air purification with ejection dust removal. The first stage is a hopper with an inertial grille, the second and third stages are a two-stage cassette air cleaner.

The system consists of an air cleaner with a dust removal ejector, an air intake hopper with an inertial grille and a dust removal ejector from an inertial grille.

The air cleaner is two-stage. The first stage provides preliminary air purification from dust by 99.78%. After passing the second stage, the air is purified to 99.98%. The cassettes make up the second stage of the air purifier.

Engine lubrication system

The engine lubrication system is designed to place oil in the tank, supply it to the engine, clean and cool the oil used in the engine.

The engine lubrication system consists of an internal oil tank with an intake filter, an oil cooler, an oil injection pump, an engine charge pump, two scavenge pumps, an oil centrifugal filter, an oil gauge and pipelines.

The lubrication system is circulation, based on the dry sump principle.

An oil tank with a capacity of 105 liters is installed in the front part of the power compartment between the bulkhead and the engine. Oil is taken to power the engine from the middle compartment, which is replenished with oil from other compartments.

The system is equipped with a minimum oil pressure indicator.

Cooling system

Parameter Value
Cooling system liquid, high-temperature, closed type with forced circulation of coolant and ejection cooling of radiators, designed to ensure thermal operating conditions of the engine
Pumping coolant through a diesel engine at an engine speed of 2600 min.-1, not less, m3/hour 38
Filling capacity of the system, l 94

The cooling system includes:

  • ejector, engine water pump
  • radiators
  • compensation tank
  • steam-air valve
  • heater with air heater
  • engine cavities
  • cooling belts for flue connector
  • engine water drain valve
  • valve for draining water from the heater and pipelines

Water radiators provide heat removal from the coolant and are installed in the ejector box of the roof of the engine compartment.

The system is equipped with a minimum coolant level sensor and a maximum coolant temperature sensor.

The efficiency of the cooling system is regulated by the amount of gases passing through the ejector.

Exhaust system

The system ensures the passage of cooling atmospheric air through the radiators by using the energy of the engine exhaust gases and releasing the exhaust gases.

The system consists of a compensator, a gas duct, an adapter welded into the right side of the roof of the engine-transmission compartment together with a bypass gas duct, a receiver with a nozzle apparatus, an ejector flow section and output shutters.

To cool the joint, there are water jackets in the flue through which the coolant of the cooling system circulates.

Heating and heating system

The heating system is an integral part of the cooling system and serves to warm up the engine and oil before starting, and to maintain the engine in a state of readiness for starting in cold weather.

The engine is heated by the coolant heated by the heater, and the oil in the engine oil tank is heated by the exhaust gases of the heater.

The heating system includes a heater, a flame pipe of the engine oil tank and pipelines.

The heater is designed to heat the coolant and ensure its circulation through the cooling system lines when the engine warms up, and to heat the oil with exhaust gases in the engine oil tank.

Engine starting system

Parameter Value
Start methods:
main electric starter from four batteries
auxiliary compressed air from cylinders
combined electric starter from the battery, high pressure generator and compressed air at the same time
from an external source using electricity or compressed air from a similar machine
from a tug used in case of impossibility of starting the engine using the above methods
Starting aids * heater * electric torch heating * oil injection
Start temperature of a cold diesel engine without the use of preheating means:
on oil AZMOL Garant, GALOL M-4042, M16IHP-3 up to 5 °C
on low-viscosity oil M8B2S up to minus 25 °C
Reversible transmission

The reversible transmission is designed to increase the speed of the tank when moving forward and in reverse. Increased (accelerated) reverse gears provide, if necessary, a quick change of positions in combat conditions without rturning the tank. The transmission is adapted to the automated control system and is equipped with a rotation speed sensor.

The reversible transmission consists of a gearbox (Gearbox) and is connected coaxially to the reversible final drive. Based on their location in the tank, transmissions are classified as right-handed or left-handed. They are located on the right and left sides of the hull coaxially with the engine output shaft.


Planetary type gearboxes with friction gearing. Gearboxes provide 7 forward and 1 reverse gears.

Reversible final drives

Reversible final drives consist of two planetary gears. Forward and reverse are activated by a gear clutch, which provides an additional four reverse gears.

Gear speeds (km/h)


Performance characteristics of the main battle tank BM OPLOT
Parameter Unit of measurement Value
General information
Type main battle tank
Total weight t 51
Crew persons 3
Specific power kW (hp/t) not less than 18.2(24.7)
Specific pressure on soil MPa (kgf/cm2) no more than 0.097 (0.97)
Operating temperature °C -40…+55
Main dimensions
with the gun forward mm 9720
with cannon back mm 9750
body mm 7075
Tank width
by caterpillar mm 3400
by removable protective screens mm 4215
Height according to the commander’s sight mm 2800
Length of the supporting surface mm 4290
Ground clearance mm 470…500
Tread width mm 2800
Operational data (for a single tank in various road conditions)
Movement speed
Average on dry dirt road km/h 40…45
Maximum on paved roads km/h 70
In reverse gear:
minimum km/h 4.8
maximum km/h 31.3
Fuel consumption per 100 km
On a dry dirt road l, up to 325…370
On paved roads l, up to 300
Oil consumption per 100 km
On a dry dirt road l, up to 7…19
On a paved road l, up to 4…11
Fuel range
On a dry dirt road
on main fuel tanks km 350
with additional barrels km 450
On a paved road
on the main fuel tanks km 400
with additional barrels km 500
Overcome obstacles
Maximum angle of elevation degrees 32
Maximum roll angle degrees 25
Ditch width m 2.85
Height of vertical wall m 1.0
Ford depth (without preliminary preparation) m 1.8
Water obstacles using underwater driving equipment
Depth m 5.0
Width m no limit
Shots to the cannon pcs. 46
(of which in the loading mechanism conveyor) pcs 28
Type of gun ammunition pieces OFS, BPS, KS, UR
to the KT-7.62 machine gun piece 1250 (250x5)
to the KT-12.7 machine gun pcs 450 (150x3)
to the AKS machine pcs. 450
to the signal gun pcs 12
F-1 hand grenades pcs. 10
Aerosol grenades pcs. 12








Mod for WT Live: WT Live // Model by DanPogan


In this topic, I propose to discuss the best post-Soviet MBT of Ukrainian production - BM Oplot.

I created this topic as a copy of the topic from the ru forum, for the reason that players will be banned for discussing Ukrainian technologies. There is more freedom of speech on the eu forum than on the ru forum.


Well, RU discussion is still here, so…