(.blkx file research) Shell rooms or magazines are more explosive?

I’ve been trying to establish whether Shell rooms or Charge rooms are these that blow up in the naval vessels, and what are the related effects (several questions arise around properties like fatalFire)

Can anyone confirm if my logic is sound?

Looking at the in-game files of, for example, Zara class: War-Thunder-Datamine/aces.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/units/ships/it_cruiser_zara_class_ec.blkx at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

    "ammo4": {
// (...)
      "shells": {
        "entityMunition": "shells",
        "fatalFire": false, 
        "fatalExplosion": false, // <------ according to this shells shouldn't cause fatal fire or explosion (which seems correct - blowing up Zara's magazines doesn't kill the ship on its own, and fresh Zara can survive exploded munition just fine)
        "damageEffect": "ammunition_storage_shells",
        "ammunition_storage_shells_01_dm": {
          "count": 314
      "charges": {
        "entityMunition": "charges",
        "fatalFire": true, // <------ this seems very weird? Blowing up charges does cause fatal fire? What even fatal fire is?
        "damageEffect": "ammunition_storage_charges",
        "ammunition_storage_charges_01_dm": {
          "count": 314
// (...)
    "ammo5": {
      "weaponTrigger": [
      "entityMunition": "aux",
      "fatalFire": false,
      "fatalExplosion": false,  // <------ Auxiliary ammunition is setup the same way shell rooms are.

To the best of my knowledge - auxiliary ammunition can blow up, so let’s see how it has its properties set:

    "ammunition_storage_aux": {
      "onKill": {
        "fire": 0.24,
        "expl": 0.76, // <------ it seems to have an explosion (chance?) when destroyed
        "fHitCritical": false
      "onHit": [
          "damageType": "fire",
          "fire": 0.05, // <------ but only fire when hit
          "damage": 19.0,
          "fHitCritical": false
          "damageType": "shatter",
          "fire": 0.02,
          "damage": 25.0,
          "fHitCritical": false

Now, shells:

    "ammunition_storage_shells": {
      "onKill": {
        "fire": 0.4,
        "expl": 0.6,  // <------ similar to auxiliary, but lower explosion chance, and it still can blow up on hit rather than just on kill
        "fHitCritical": false
      "onHit": [
          "damageType": "fire",
          "expl": 0.03, // <----- if it's a chance, then 3% might not seem like much, but multiple fragments hit it, so percentages quickly compound.
          "fire": 0.07,
          "damage": 37.0,
          "fHitCritical": false
          "damageType": "fire",
          "expl": 0.05,
          "fire": 0.1,
          "damage": 50.0,
          "fHitCritical": false
          "damageType": "explosion",
          "expl": 0.15,
          "fire": 0.85,
          "damage": 340.0,
          "fHitCritical": false

and finally charges:

    "ammunition_storage_charges": {
      "onKill": {
        "fire": 1.0,  // <------ different than auxiliary, only 1.0 fire, no explosion ( note that it has a "fatalFire": true, so this might translate to 100% chance of a deadly fire? But a deadly fire to what - what dies as an effect of this fire? Compartment containing the shells? Wouldn't that cause magazines to also explode? (see: "part": "cover_03_dm", in the blkx file)
        "fHitCritical": false
      "onHit": [
          "damageType": "fire",
          "fire": 0.15,
          "damage": 37.0,
          "fHitCritical": false
          "damageType": "fire",
          "fire": 0.2,
          "damage": 50.0,
          "fHitCritical": false
          "damageType": "explosion",
          "fire": 0.67,
          "damage": 340.0,
          "fHitCritical": false

Short answer: Shell room - not fatal, Magazine - fatal

However, although shell room detonations are not fatal by themselves, the explosion has a chance to set off the magazine in the vicinity thus leading to destruction of the ship.

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currently it seems Kronshtadt and Japanese battleships’ shell room explosion become fatal, directly linked to ship’s death. Is it bug or intentional?

If you find their shell room’s detonation always directly lead to the destruction of the ship, you might report it as a bug.

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Can I test it and report it by result on custom battle? If I remember correctly recording live battle is not a good evidence as network issue exist

Network issue might not be so relevant in this case, but of course it would be better to reproduce the issue in an user mission if you can make one.

It’s quite been passed and there’s reason. It’s somewhat strange that only in live server those ‘shell room explosion’ death happened. Kill Yamashiro and Kronshtadt showing broadiside in 3 km(which certainly diving shell cannot happened in Cavour) with shell room explosion in live battles but not in custom battles with other users. It’s quite frustrating.

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