Bf 109 F-2 (Adolf Gallands Nr.2)

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I would like to suggest the 2nd Bf 109 F-2 Adolf Galland owned and modified, as a result of his dissatisfaction of the Switch of armament from the E to F series, as he was in the opinion that the armament of the F Series was inadequate only consisting of 2x Mg 17 and 1x Mg 151/15 (F-2),
while his previous E-4 had 2x Mg 17 and 2x 20mm Mg FF/M in the wings, as such his first Bf 109 F-2 he improved (along the See through Headrest, that actually was taken up into main Bf 109 production) and replaced the 2x Mg 17 with 2x Mg 131. His 2nd Bf 109 F-2 was even stronger armed, he “simply” took the 2x 20 mm Mg FF/M from his old E-4 and mounted them in the wings of his 2nd Bf 109 F-2, which i suggest here as a special plane. Furthermore he mounted a telescopic side into the front of his cockpit.

The Picture is of the Stab JG 26 in 1941 with him and Herman Göring.

Pictures:(Click to show)


The Plane:
Bf 109 F-2 Nr.2

2x Mg 17 (500 rpg)
2x Mg FF/M (60-90 rpg)
1x Mg 151/15 (200 rpg)

Bf 109 F-2 Characteristics:

Max speed at 5 000m: 614 km/h

Turn time : 18 s

Max altitude: 10 000 m

Engine: Daimler-Benz DB-601N

Type : Inline

Cooling system: Water

Take-off weight: 3t

Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
✓ ✓ ✓ X X

Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
790 360 437 408 260 ~13 ~6

Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 450 < 390 < 450 > 715

Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
4,850 m 1,050 hp 1,168 hp

Source: Bf 109 F/G/K Aces of the Western Front John Weal 2012

Die Jagdfliegerverbände der deutschen Luftwaffe 1934 bis 1945 2000

Spitfire II/V vs Bf 109 F Channel Front 1940-42 Tony Holmes 2017


Would make for a neat premium, have my +1

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Not against adding Galland specials, but according to David Baker’s book on Galland, the photographs with telescopic sight are from his 109E-4(/N?) and the installation was only used in five combat missions after he found it to be useless and removed, never to be used again.
Also the book claims that Galland unofficially named the wing MG-FF modified F-2 as F-6/U, while the two cowling MG-131 armed planes were named as F-2/U’s.

I do not know about the names, tho you can even see on the picture both the telescopic sight and Mg FF/M at the same time.

That’s the point, MG-FF/M and Telescopic sight means that it is Galland’s Bf-109E-4 from late summer 1940, NOT any of the Bf-109F’s he flew in 1941. Baker states in Galland’s biography that because most of surviving photos of Galland are from 1940, so it became a widespread misconception that his other planes would have the telescope, while it was actually removed after five flights in the previously mentioned Bf-109E-4.

hmmm, ok well idk. Never the less this is for the Bf 109 F-2 with Mg FF/M, i dont really care about the telescopic sight.