Better Forums UI - UserScript

I have made an UserScript that brings some useful things to the forums. Main feature is that it improves navigation by highlighting your own posts and replies to those posts. I found this to be very useful when scrolling the forum.

Here are some examples of how it looks. Both light and dark themes included.

Your own posts




Link to the script and installation instructions can be found here. GitHub - themadseventeen/better-forums: User script for War Thunder's forums

It’s completely free and open source.

Feedback is most welcome. Feature requests included.


Planned features:

  • Settings for enabling/disabling features and customizing colors
  • Improvements to text input boxes (special character picker etc.)
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Update 1.1

  • Added the ability to sync to the system theme

Update 1.1.1

  • Added override for theme sync (A is automatic, M is manual theme switching)