Considering a French purchase during these sales, would appreciate some input on what would be a good buy, if any!
This will be only to start the tree for the first time.
Aigle, Duguay-Trouin or Dupleix?
Or a combo of these perhaps?
Considering a French purchase during these sales, would appreciate some input on what would be a good buy, if any!
This will be only to start the tree for the first time.
Aigle, Duguay-Trouin or Dupleix?
Or a combo of these perhaps?
Honestly, Dupleix or Courbet are your two best bets. The Courbet has a REALLY well covered citadel that can definitely be penned by 7.0s, but if you downtier and face 5.3s and 5.7s you’re invincible.
Dupleix probably the worst ship on 5.7.
That’s a tough one. It’s hard to recommend any of the French ships at the moment due to the incomplete tree and the ahistorical ship configurations as the Dunkerque.
Do you have other trees that you are interested in or haven’t completed? How much naval experience do you have? I ask only because the French are very much not beginner friendly.
If I was forced to pick one, I’d pick the Courbet.
I’ve read that Dupliex sucks…is the 4.7 cruiser any better at its BR? Or Moffet-food?
@Stielhandgranate I have, or are at rank V or above in all trees, except France which I will start eventually.
Ground out most of Italy first ranks with RN Geniere, and actually had a good time in it back then although it was also considered trash.
@TheArcticFoxxo Courbet seems like paper, I destroyed one in Baltimore just yesterday…and full downtiers in 6.3 does seem like a distant dream tbh!
And paris doesn’t seem any better from my experience playing against it! How does it compare to other 6.3 ?
Unfortunately, the best French ships are their low tier and reserve destroyers. I have the Paris talismaned and still dislike using it. It can do well in matches, but requires you to either get very lucky or for people to forget to target you.
If you enjoyed Italy, I can highly recommend the Leonardo da Vinci. It’s a spectacularly undertiered ship at 6.3.
imo Duguay-Trouin is your best option, 4.7 Mogador + Duguay is a very good combo for the BR
your second best option is probably Dupleix(reinforced this update with La Gallisoniere so it has a lineup now), simply because Courbet just sucks way too hard to even consider
Aigle is tier ii, so just dont, its very low value for a grinder, and Courbet is easily the worst BB ingame, your 30cm guns have worse penetration than 20cm guns of germany or japan, its just a terrible experience
I personally went for Dupleix since I finished tier iv with the BP ship Le Triomphant, and I tried Colbert and I liked very much those low pen high damage 20cm guns against lightly armoured enemies
Having used all premiums except Dupleix to farm the tree, I can tell you my impression :
Duguay Trouin is a good ship, with excellent firepower against destroyer, though not as good against ships its size. A good choice for mid-rank farm. But it becomes obsolete pretty quickly, and for top tier, which will require obviously the longest grind, you have… the Courbet.
I’m just out of the 400K grind for the Dunkerque. Playing with it has been pretty frustrating for me. It does the job against everything smaller than itself, and against very early battleships at the same br as it. Every other capital ships are more or less invincible, and will clobber you easily. And guess what : most of your matches will be uptier. You’ll face Scharnhorsts, Mutsus, etc. And you won’t make a dent on those ships. You’ll have to focus smaller AI ships to get points, and if there are none, well… you’re not gonna have a good time. So, basically, the Courbet will be the best ship at your disposal to grind top tier, but i won’t call that a pleasant experience.
Honestly, if you aren’t concerned about SL, what about just putting a talisman on a ship you like to play and do well in? They are much cheaper, and SL is so easy to make in naval. I’m sitting on 40+ million and I just bought all the stuff I had researched and waited for the half off sale.
Well, I do that too tbh. Just would like a premium french to get it rolling down the ranks :-)
I do have the Leonardo in Italy, got it at anniversary sales and i like it so far.
If you want to go the talisman way, is easier, you have Mogador, Colbert and now La Gallisoniere as good talisman options
Mogador being the best french DD(and has lineup with Duguay Trouin)
Colbert at 5.3 her 20cm guns are very nice, can do lineup with Emile Bertin(good 15cm AP, but no armour, not my playstile, I prefer having some armour in my cruisers)
La Gallisoniere at 5.7 is Emile Bertin but with good armour, so its a pretty good talisman options, and has lineup with Dupleix(her 20cm guns might be a bit weak due to the increase in BR over her sister, but she gets some extra armour compared to Colbert that is helpful in downtiers)
Protip: If you are not in a rush to get Dunkerque, you can completely skip playing the horrible Paris and Courbet this way
Thanks, this is a good plan! I haven’t thought much about rank V and VI yet, and I have no rush getting to Dunquerque. Got a ton of other battleships to research in other trees as well.
I bought Dupliex and Aigle ( becuase it was cheap with half price) since I need a destroyer for maps where heavy fleet spawn sucks ( African gulf etc) where I wont spawn in anything bigger.
Will follow your excellent sketch for progression!
I suggest to buy Duguay Trouin, it’s a powerful ship in 4.7 to against destroyer, even in 5.7, u still can use 155SAP to cause pretty well damage to enemy cruisers. For the Moffet, turret3 is the weak point of it, 155SAP have enough damage to explosion Moffet’s turret3’s magazine. But it needs a bit of skill to aim, when u r respawn in cruiser point.
For the Dupliex, the biggest problem is it may meet battleship in BR6.7, all of cruiser can’t cause any real damage to battleship, that is the point.
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I wouldn’t recommend any of the three to you.
The only one I have, the Dugay-Trouin, is like the other French cruisers: a big target for the enemys players.
French cruisers have no armor, and decent armament is not an advantage over other cruisers. They are slow guns and do not do much dammage to enemy cruisers.
The only french ships that can be fun to play are the destroyers, so I would recommend l’Aigle : it will give you an extra ship for a branch that doesn’t have much to offer, apart from copies from themselve for the most part.
Sorry I wasn’t very clear. I meant something you like in the French tree for a talisman candidate. The Mogador and La Galissonniere (correct spelling) are excellent candidates.
Noted! Still have to get to them first, so now I am ready for that with my new shiny toys 👍
Yeah, that is an issue for all 5.7 and 6.0 cruisers, even 5.3 ones faces the 6.3 battleships.
Its still random if you are left alone in those battles and can fight bots, or targeted and destroyed early on…depends on maps as well!
Good luck. I hope you like them.