the title sums it up also i wanna try missiles so tell me about both with missiles and without and the sabre is just the same as the f86 just with cannons instead i want something new
The last F9F is pretty good as it has 4 9B’s at 8.0.
The F3D is pretty ok as it gets an airspawn and good cannons, play it as an interceptor/BnZ’er?.
The Sabres are a classic, always pretty good.
As for rank VI…
The F8U is incredible but still prone to ripping its wings of so be careful off that. It gets 4 9D’s which when launched well are not easily dodgeable by just turning, and in downtiers you face many flareless planes.
The AV-8C is criminal at 9.7 as you accelerate very fast, almost exclusively face flareless planes, and the 9G’s are two free kills. You get countermeasures too!
The F-104’s are well, F-104’s. Very good, play it like a BnZ fighter. You can’t turn but you outrun everything. Be careful of missiles.
I personally liked the F8U (just be careful about wingtip) and kind of liked the F-100D. A-4E was quite nice though, same with av8c
F8U is the best Crusader, the best 10.3 in the game and frankly the only good jet for IV USA. The F-86F-2 is also good but I don’t think you will have a good matchmaking nowadays.
Crusader* :)
AV-8C is also really good as I sad.
Thanks. Corrected lol
Very detailed and useful thank you very much
F-8U basically never rips wings anymore, it’s by far the best fighter tier for tier. Amazing missiles, flight performance and flares against a lot of things that literally cannot defend themselves. Arguably undertiered now that it can pull as hard as you want at any altitude without fear.
F8U or F3H2, F-100 is also pretty good. F-104s are insanely overhyped, only fast and nothing else. Give them a shot but I definitely wouldn’t make them your first research.
I’d say it’s a sidegrade to the F-8E, sacrificing AIM-9Cs for better FP. Definitely belongs at 10.7.