Multi-role helicopter (here you see the helicopter with 2x Gatling Miniguns and firing Flares/countermeasures)
19 helicopers

Produced by: Bell Helicopter Textron
Put together at: Helikoperservice AS Sola Sjø, Norway

2x 7.62mm M134 Gatling
Extra fuel tank

Lenght included rotorblades: 17.1m
Rotor diameter: 14.0m
Eigne: 2x 900 Hp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6T-3B Turbo Twin-Pac
Cruise speed: 222 km/h
Top speed: 259 km/t
Crew: 2x15
Range: 611.55 km
Maximum take-off and landing weight: 5397.55 kg
Number of rotor blades: 4
Max flight height: approx. 6100 m
Max. flight time: approx. 3 1/2 hours. 4 1/2 hours with extra fuel tank
Empty weight: 3,079 kg

Serial nr, time in service and fate


Serial No 339 Squadron 720 Squadron In service of the Squadron Fate

33130 130 1987 - 04.01.1988 Wrecked/crashed by Bardufoss, Are now used for educational purposes at Kjevik

33139 139 11.1987 -

33140 140 140 1987 -

33141 141 141 04.1988 -

33142 142 142 08.1988 -

33143 143 143 08.1988 -

33144 144 1988 -

33145 145 145 1988 -

33146 146 1988 -

33147 147 147 02.1989 -

33148 148 1988 -

33149 149 1988 -

33161 161 1989 -

33162 162 162 1989 -

33163 163 1989 -

33164 164 164 1989 - Rebuilt to 412 HP in 2009

33165 165 01.1989 -

33166 166 166 1989 - Rebuilt to 412 HP in 2009

33167 167 167 1990 -

The Bell 412 is a multirole helicopter that was developed from the Bell 212 in the late 70s. The Bell 212 was in turn a further development of the Bell UH-1B, but while the UH-1B was a single-engine machine, both the 212 and 412 had two far more powerful turbine engines. The most important improvement from 212 TO 412
Was the use of an advanced 4-bladed main rotor, slightly smaller in diameter than the two-bladed one on a 212. The Bell 412 first flew in August 1979, and deliveries began in 1981.

In the early 1980s, the Air Force began looking for a successor to the UH-1B. which was approaching its technical life. Among the candidates were the Aerospatiale 332 Super Puma, the Bell UH-1D and the Bell 412. and finally one went in for six Aerospatiale 332. However, it turned out that the costs of this would be very high. Meanwhile, an improved version of the Bell 412 had been launched, namely the Bell 412 SP. It had greater fuel capacity, greater load capacity and was less affected by vibrations than the previous version. Norway initially ordered 12 such machines. The first was to be built by Helikopterservice AS at Sola Sjø and delivered to 339 Squadron at Bardufoss. Within the community, there was some skepticism about the 412 SP, partly because it lacked a lift system. In retrospect, a number of “childhood illnesses” appeared, but mostly the crews have been very satisfied with the machines

In 1986, the announcement came that the phasing out of the UH-1B was to start, and it was on the cards that both 720 squadron and the helicopter department at 719 were to be closed down. However, the closure of 720 squadron was prevented, and in January 1987 a further 6 machines were ordered to be used by this squadron. 719 squadron was loaned one helicopter from 339 squadron from April 1990 to 1992, at the same time as the UH.1B was eventually put on the ground, but from 31 December 2000 719 squadron was closed down. 339 squadron now has a detachment in Bodø, Norway

The American-built helicopter crashed at Bardufoss due to a technical fault a few months after delivery, and the crash resulted in a 6-month flight ban for all 412 SP until the cause was clarified. This aircraft was replaced, and the last one was delivered from Sola on 29 October 1990. exactly three years after the first Norskbygde (139) had been delivered

Rescue lifts have eventually been installed on some of the helicopters, both in 720 and 339 squadron. In 2010, 6 machines were upgraded to 412HP-Standard. 720 squadron has to some extent been earmarked for service under UN auspices, and four machines were sent to Bosnia under NORAIR on 4 October 1993. The engagement lasted until 1996. Since then, Norway has made helicopters and crews available twice to NATO in Kosovo and to ISAF in Afghanistan. The last operation was to last for 4 and a half years, from April 2008 to October 2012. The tasks have mainly been linked to medical departments and the transport of the sick and injured, but the machines often had to fly in pairs, one with two gatling machine guns clear and open transport doors, the other fitted for sick transport. This is the first time that Norwegian helicopters have been armed in this way. The Bell 412 thus becomes the most used Norwegian aircraft in war situations since the last world war

In Norway, the Bell 412 is used mainly to support the Army with the transport of personnel and equipment, but also as an ambulance, for search and rescue, forest fire fighting, surveillance and reconnaissance and as a mobile command post, these are some of the roles. from 1 January 2013, 720 squadron at Rygge has also maintained 24-hour standby to be able to assist the police in sharp missions should the need arise - this was due to the terrorist acts on 22 July 2011

Here you see the M134 7.62mm Gatling minigun being fired in an exercise

Here you see the BELL 412 SP ARAPAHO flying (without armament)

A lot of you will proably ask "what can one do with only two 7.62mm miniguns, well i would say there is a lot one can do with only two miniguns, but only of you know how to use them!

This should be a helicopter, small and proably with decent mobility and can therefor fly low and sneaky and attack. this can kill light armored vehicles, planes, helicopters and eventual drones (low flying). i have personally killed a couple tanks and many planes using machineguns in thic calibre, on some other simlar helicopters.

it will not be much, but it could have a place as a cheaper heli proably at a little lower br, around 7.0-7.3?. it could also have its own branch so it is optinal for the players to reseach it!. i doubt that this would be anything suitable for an even vehicle, so it would most likely fit best in as a researchable vehicle in the standard techtrree

M134 7.62mm Gatling minigun


Designer: General Electric
Manufacturer: General Electric Dillon Aero
Mass: 39 kg
Length: 801.6 mm
Barrel length: 558.8 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×51mm NATO
Caliber: 7.62 mm (0.308 in)
Barrels: 6
Action: Electrically driven rotary breech
Rate of fire: Variable, 2,000–6,000 rpm
Muzzle velocity: 2,800 ft/s (853 m/s)
Maximum firing range: 1,000 m
Feed system: Disintegrating M13 linked belt or linkless feed; dependent on installation [500-5,000-round belt]
Sights: Dependent on installation, no fixed sights



Bell 412 sp skins — ImgBB (pictrues of skins)

  1. 145, 770 squadron build nr 33145 KFOR
  2. 164, 336 squadron build nr 33164
  3. 149, 339 squadron build nr 33149



Bell 412sp — ImgBB (pictrues)



339-skvadronen, Bell 412 | Helikopteret som redder liv


M134 Minigun - Wikipedia

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If it gets no anti-tank armament, it will be even worse than AB.205 helicopter from Italy.
Sadly WT is not tailored for low-caliber armament vehicles since infantry does not pay a role in this game so this helicopter does not fulfill any role that the others can’t.

Instead, I would like to see a variant that it can do something in the game other than being a target practice. At least until WT introduces new gameplay loops for helicopters, like support, scouting, transporting ammo/resources etc.


It only had the miniguns, but it’s oerfectly capable of attacking and shooting down other planes, helicopters and other aerial vehicles, and in certain cases destroy very lightly armored vehicles/spaas

Not much, but it could be a fun addition, as a separate vehicle close to 7.0-7.7 in br

I am researching the helicopters in use by norway and some neighbouring countries but so far not found anything special, this heli btw is the first helicopter in Norwegian history to be armed this way

If you’re looking for a Gunship helicopter, then miniguns won’t cut it, there’s plenty of weapon platforms that will outperform the miniguns in WT. Anything with 12.7 or 20mm + can do whatever miniguns do and better since they have better penetration and ammo options, the 7.62mm bullets are limited in range and pen (around 10mm at 10m on flat surfaces).
If you want a taste of what this helicopter could to in WT, try the AB.205. At least this helicopter gets 14 FFAR rockets toghether with miniguns and even then you’ll feel undergunned. Yes, you can go against other air targets or unarmored vehicles, but the chances are you’ll get shot down quiclky since many vehicles have the armament capable to shoot you down and in air you’ll be an easy target without anything more potent to fight back.

another problem is that the miniguns on this helo are not foward firing, they are door turrets (something not implemented in game yet). even if such mechaninc will be implemented, the helo could only fire one minigun at the time with a bad and limited angle of shooting.

This vehicle is absolutely unsuited for the game with the presented armament.
It would require some more serious weapons to be fair. Either anti-air or -ground, preferably either.
It doesn’t have any such armament though, so -1.

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Unsuited yeah, but “absolutely” unsuited, A bit of a strong word…

one day we will soon have the Bell 412SP in the American tree with all its possible weapons added, and proably this configuration as well, as i am pretty sure USA used the exact same, or simlar setup. Then one can test and see what it can do with those weapons, it is fully capable of destroying very light armored vehicles and other helis/planes

it would not be anything to grind with, but for a fun backup in games or just to use in heli pve

yes but no. the USA at least mounted rokets and foward firing machinegun on it and even if it will be worse than an AB205 it could still work. Again, this norwegian heli doesn’t have foward firing guns, how do You even expect to kill something with a minigun with a very limited angle of firing? and again you will be able only to shoot with one minigun at the time.

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The miniguns has enought angle of firing to fire forward from the videos i have seen, tough aiming would be a issue

Btw @Til_Dovre_Faller If you are looking into new Norvegian heli to suggest I some info about the weapons of the Norvegian NH90 that are something more than machinegun.

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Yes, i have been looking a bit at those, but unfortunately unless we get submarines, it would not be for much use hehe :)

The only thing the NH90 was armed with, that i have managed to find are 2x Sting Ray Mod 1 Torpedoes Wich are a lightweight torpedo used aginst submarines

the Bell 412sp was the first norwegian helicopter to be armed in any way, then the NH90 later with the torpedoes. I don’t really understand why Norway havent invested more in helicopters haha

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It should have enough elevation/windage to shoot at targets right in front of it, its doable but hard

Can see some of it in this video
From 0:14 right after the reloading, one can see it is capable of being fired alongside the helicoper, backwards

there is an additional thing tought. There was a pic of an NH90 prototype with the NSM that was probably integrated in the early 2000 under the request of norway. probably Norvegian air force lost interest in the missile and it was never adopted

Hmm i’ll see if i find any picture/source showing that, i can see there are a couple articles on it from a while back

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for the picture You don’t have to go far

hehe i see, but wich nation is that picture from? cant see the name/roundel

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one of the NH90 prototypes, from the consortium. And since we do not know wich prototype is, we can’t neither say to wich nation this one belong (the nation could be France, Italy or Germany, even if the most likely are France or Italy and keep in mind that some of the NH90 prototypes were pretty different compared to a production one)

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