Cockerill 1030 turret fitted with a new anti-drone radar system on a Patria AMV (???) hull
Can also be fitted to the Cockerill i-X, now available in greeen
Cockerill 1030 turret fitted with a new anti-drone radar system on a Patria AMV (???) hull
Can also be fitted to the Cockerill i-X, now available in greeen
Hello, I wanted to advise that this particular vehicle should be in a BR 4.0 in rank 3 or close to that since the cannon is an earlier version of the Italian R3 T20 of BR 5.7 rank 4, the 20 mm Oerlikon KAA cannon has a fire rate of 900 shots per minute, not 100 as mentioned here, even so the rate of fire is comparable to the Italian one that I mentioned but not the penetration, which in the KAA is 20 mm at 800 m as you mentioned but the Italian has 24 mm at 1000 m, then you should lower the BR and rank of this vehicle, I know all this because my country Chile had 2 vehicles with the same turret and cannon and in my own sub tree I have both vehicles in BR 3.7 - 4.0
Thanks! Yeah the fire rate is definitely a typo, and i will probably downtier the thing, maybe not all the way down to 4.0 tho
Hi guys
So apparently Belgian Chaffees used APDS:
Now i would want to include it in the suggestion, but for now we know very little about it apart from the muzzle velocity, rn our best guess is something based on the 17pdr APDS, maybe someone here has an idea?
not gonna lie, I’m only interested in the french vehicles upgrade by the belgians, and the indigenous designs or upgrades that have no french counterpart. Things like the jpk should be a german premium and have no place in the french TT.
I hear you but it’s not really how subtrees work at all,
Look at how South Africa came with a Gripen, Hungary with Russian aircraft or Finland which is almost entirely copy paste.
yeah gaijin has to do at least 50 ctrl-c ctrl-v per tree.
I mean Belgium has quite a bit more unique content than Finland, like South Africa that has a rather unique sub-tree
I tried suggesting the alternate tab tech trees a long time go and was repeatedly told it’s already in the game. Since it isn’t actually used anywhere in the game, I don’t think this brilliant idea will ever come to fruition. It would certainly solve a lot of issues for nations that can offer a lot but not be a standalone tree though. Even better for a nation that maybe has a full air tree but a small ground tree or something.
This tabbed subtree idea would really be good for nations that don’t really have enough content for a stand-alone tech tree but have too much to cram it all into a single line of a host nation’s tree. Or when the host nation is already using all 5 lines that are apparently the most the WT GUI can support for whatever reason.
For example BeNeLux is now officially a subtree for France, but when the ground side of that subtree happens their vehicles will have to jut be inserted into the middle of the French ones rather than getting their own separate line.
And beyond even just subtrees, a tab system like this could also be a bypass to the GUI limitations to let USA and USSR get a 6th line (and beyond if enough stuff gets implemented) in their ground and air trees.
If it is the projectile from the 17pdr APDS (and thus also from the Comet’s 77mm) with that muzzle velocity I guess it would probably have around 190 to 200mm pen at 10m. But that’s just a wild guess.
hey do any you knows how the netherlands and belgium could help with the lack of stabilizers from 8.0 to 8.7 in the french TT ?