Because there is no russian bias. They keep doing this, playing heavily into their major market being russia itself, we saw the same shit with the Ka-50 being undertiered for a significant portion of it’s existance in WT. They might change it once they’ve sold enough, we’ll never know.
I would rather see OTOMATIC going down to 10.3 than 2S38 going to 11.3.
After the decompression I can see both the Begleitpanzer and 2S38 both being fine at 10.7
Ka-50 was brought to its current BR over 3 years ago.
Ka-50 has not been under-BR’d in years.
On top of that 2S38 isn’t under-BR’d anymore.
OTOMATIC isn’t 11.3 because of its SPAA capability, which is superior to 2S38’s SPAA capability.
So you want Italian bias and an unbalanced game.
Is your argument the OTOMATIC is 11.3 because of its 13 rounds of APFSDS? lol
That’s not my argument, that’s just reality.
If it wasn’t that way the OTOMATIC would be ~10.3 instead.
I think the Bagel could go to 9.7 after this latest round of decompression, I had quite a bit of fun in it and it is very good.
The reality is one vehicle has its APFSDS limited while the other doesn’t.
One vehicle has a slow reload to first stage ammo, the other doesn’t.
No, I want OTOMATIC to be an effective SPAA. I wouldn’t mind it losing darts if that’s what it takes to drop down to 10.3.
It’s an SPAA at the end of the day, not a TD so that tradeoff is worth it in my eyes.
2S38 is designed as SPAA, according to the devblog. So why should the 2S38 keep its APHE and APFSDS over the Otomatic? Either all of the SPAAs get the AP round removed nor none.
In the current battle rating situation the 2S38 is way underrated. If the 2S38 keeps the Br10.3 a lot of other tanks need to moved down, because a PUMA (no spike) is not on the same level as a 2S38 for example.
But this russian bias is and will be part of the game.
2S38 is a light vehicle in the game.
I’m also not a fan of SPAAs cosplaying as TDs.
There’s no bias.
SPAA =/= can’t fire ammo.
Also, your post seems to want to keep OTOMATIC 11.3 instead of lowered to a BR where it’s actually useful as SPAA.
2S38 is not really under-BR’d at this time, and Puma is a false equivalence fallacy.
Puma is best compared to BMP-2M, Freccia, etc.
There is no Russian bias.
anyone thinking begle goes to 10.3 is trippin hard
now if you said you added irst, i could agree.
begleit is at the correct battle rating the problem is that a lot of other autocannon vehicles arent at good battle ratings which creates a false thought that begleit should be higher because its better than cv9030 or similar vehicle,the real fix for the problem is that cv9030 should go down.
idk about swedish vehicles, but i agree the begle is perfect where it is
Cause Gajin is ignoring its own statements from the dev-blog and classified the 2S38 as light vehicle on purpose. On the other hand the technical specs of that vehicle speak for themselves aswell.
All of them or just cherry picked ones?
Desirable but unrealistic:
-Why did Gajin not decreased the BR of the Otomatic to a similar level of the 2S38?
-With both being for example Br 10.3 a lot of other tanks need to lowered/changed.
So the battle rating of the Otomatic is fixed, and the 2S38 needs to move.
Not at all, all of them are “auto lights” like you call them.
For vehicles like the 2S38 and OTOMATIC, which were designed to mostly be SPAA but also for AT engagements, that isn’t really what’s happening. One of the main functions of the OTOMATIC was engagements against ground targets (including armored cars, IFVs, and MBTs), so you can’t really make it just an SPAA.
Afaik the limitation on the OTOMATIC’s ammo is just ahistorical and not due to it being an SPAA, with the bug report I wrote about it in the summer still being acknowledged.
What Gaijin really should do is make a separate light-tank-SPAA class that costs less SP than a light tank, but it still increases in SP as the match goes on (but at a slower rate), and then they should move the 2S38 to 11.0 and give the OTOMATIC its 38 APFSDS.
Pretty much all of them with a very few exceptions.
In my opinion best thing for OTOMATIC is to drop down in BR so it can face easier CAS. Italy should be given proper top tier SAM system as well.
Cause OTOMATIC has the best APFSDS round fired out of auto cannons.
The only way OTOMATIC moves down below 11.0 is if APFSDS is removed.
2S38 was already moved.
And no, they aren’t auto-lights.
Auto-lights are light tanks “high caliber guns” for lack of a better term with fast fire rates, I’ve always defined them this way. It encompasses the 150 - 360mm penning auto-cannons with 500+ gram projectiles.
Puma goes into the IFV category as it’s a low-caliber autocannon.