Bedford Rapier Laserfire - British SACLOS SAM System

Its lacking an ability to get up to speed, still havent got it above 45mph downhill, its got armour holes on the turret ring letting light machine guns kill you and its suspension acts like its got no shock absorbers with how jelly it is. There is also a FCS that gets disabled when the radio is hit, the scimitar never had a FCS in the way it recieved one in WT and it makes you unable to shoot your manually operated gun at whoever just took your radio


Yikes… Did it at least get the later Cummins BTA diesel engine of the Mk II?

no its got the jaguar engine from fox

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Damn, not even the good version.

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It should be better than it is but yea, just got to hope for a late variant with cope cages and the diesel

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very nice find and suggestion, sure it wont be meta breaking but it will for sure refine the brit TT’s top AA.

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It’d also have a better gearbox, improved suspension, and better tracks, so the mobility would be better all around.

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+1. How many Gs can this missile pull?

Good question. Using “looks simmilar” tactic around 40g

That’s a lot of Gs actually. This might become the best 10.X SAM

That was me just saying whatever. I don’t think G pull was ever disclosed.
But it should have a decent pull, as it was designed to do direct hits.

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According to ODIN which isn’t a great source but good for en estimate, 22g for the Mk1 and 35g for the Mk2
The Mk2 also apparently has a shaped-charge (HEAT) warhead so it’d likely be around 11.0 in my opinion

That’s, lower than I expected.

Humm? That’s interesting. I need to investigate that.

Still really good, most SAMs below top tier are either 15 or 20g

U sure. Look again at 10.0-10.7 bracket

Roland 1/2: 15g
Roland 3: 20g

Stingers: 13g
Strelas: 20g
Mim-72s: 16.5g
Mistral: 16g
Igla: 10.2g

The only real big exceptions are the Osas (25g), Tunguska (32g) and Starstreak (47g)

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Bolide for sure has over 20g
20g is most time enough to hit things (unless it’s a Roland, then no, as its handling is no existant)

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@RemoveCASfromGRB Laserfire to the list.


Bonus picture