Almost all “manual” spaa in game automatically guide the missile on to the target IRL. It’s not a stormer’s problem, it’s just a feature of the game mechanics.
yeah, like the ballistic computer of the leopards missing
Dont forget Lvrbv 701 and ASRAD and their Laser guided SAM.
Sure the manpad used on these do come with a stand, but idk of any documented information entailing it has to be at a standstill for it to fire.
Has nothing to do with guidance types, it just matters if they are stabilized or not, have you tried to fire a TOW while stopping or moving, it doesn’t work, because your guidance system and the missile sensitivity makes it impossible to fire while moving, put it on a two-plane stabilizer, and it floats just fine, but for a garenteed hit, you want to stop.
Technically speaking, you should be able to target/fly MCLOS missiles, as they aren’t optically or laser guided, but controlled by a joystick and wire, and a Stabilized gun sight just makes it that much easier. Like for example, the HKP4, has Heli-Tows, and can “fire on the move” as it’s sight is stabilized.
For example, the Ka-50, or any helicopter for that matter, that has a stabilized sight, or bore independent guidance system, can fire on the move, as their guidance system isn’t being bumped around, like it would while crawling over the earth.
Three more examples of vehicles with missiles that can be fired on the move, the CV90105, the Ct-Cv 105 HP, and the T-80U, as they are laser guided, and are stabilized.
Afaik, the missile pods needed to be stabilized for the fire on the move.
Almost all missile SPAA in game automatically guide their missile to the target irl. This isn’t unique to the stormer (however the system the stormer uses is unique).
Also the stormer is a baller spaa rn.
Dare I use the word “usable” AA. Since Gaijin semi-fixed the phasing its definitely FINALLY in a good spot. Some days I don’t feel like playing MBTs so I first spawn the Stormer and strictly play AA.
I wish it were just a bit better with missile control sub 1.5km, and IRST tracking wasn’t horrendously bad in weather and trees.
“because thats how its supposed to be bro, trust me”
I mean, a number of the suggestions I listed have fully stabilized ATGM launchers, such as the AFT-09.
Those are barrel fired ATGMs. You also have unstabilized barrel fired ATGM that can fire on the move.
As such it has nothing to do wether the sight is stabilized or not (especially considering there are stabilized sights with ATGMs that dont)
Examples of unstabilized ATGM launcher firing on the move would be the AMX-10M and the AMX-30 ACRA.
It actually does, because, the TOW in specific. The guidance system is in the “sight”, therefore, it could be launched while moving, as long as the sight is stabilized.
As for the AMX-10M and ACRA, I don’t know.
I am of the opinion that all ATGMs that are not deploy-based, i.e. Bradley/Sturm/Bill should be able to fire on the move. It is already borderline impossible to reliably hit weakspots with early ATGMs due to how hard Gaijin annihilated their flight models, and there is absolutely 0 reason why they wouldn’t be able to fire them on the move. We ALREADY have the consequences for wire-guidance missiles getting interfered with via objects like trees, so I don’t know why we have this artificial nerf to all ATGM carriers.
On a side note, this entire post will likely just manifest into Gaijin deciding to nerf the Type 89 again.
“BVVD, players are complaining about atgms again, what should we do to fix that is-”
nerf type 89
nerf atgms
“I dont think you understand me-”
add cope cages
Look how they massacred my boy.
The main post has been flagged by the community. What?
Is it all that surprising at this point?
Because only glorious Russia can fire ATGMs on the move, komrade. Nobody else.
community in question: