If they are angled it will bounce.
Also APDS has less angled pen. HEATFS has consistency on its side for penetration in many cases.
Welcome to the perspectives of someone that plays all ten tech trees. No, that does not make me better, just a probable different perspective.
When I play Maus I consistently bounce T-55/Chieftain rounds cause I angle.
When I play T26E5 I bounce APDS cause of its armor array, and evade the extremely early ATGMs cause they’re slow and my tank is rather mobile.
I can count how many times ATGMs hit me in a given year on one hand at all BRs. Maus is a little hard cause it’s slow and harder to play using the Onion Layers in mind.
Make the BR steps of 0.2 and make the BR spread 0.8 then. You still will have your variety, but face less OP vehicles in a match. This will decompress the tt as well.
BR spread is one thing, but the pathetically bad match maker really screws up the quality of the gameplay. Too many 0.7 uptiers all the time and too many matches with 1-sided pro teams vs. n00bs. Too many steamrolls and losing streaks. The fun got sucked out long time ago due to this.
BR system was designed with 0.7 spread in mind. Just didn’t have enough players at the beginning, so they went with 1.0 spread instead. Make a suggestion and ping me, I back you up.