Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)

Please for the love of god fix the the rank 7 UK premium jet (F4J UK) to have the same BR in Simulator Battles as the tech tree UK Phantoms, it has the same missiles and the same radar that UK Phantoms do and it keeps getting missed in these BR patches.

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you really gonna kill the AGS by moving it up to 11.0 its gonna have the worst gun at the BR by a mile even with m833 there is no reason to move it or not to give it m900 if it is moved


It’d be cool if we could get an armor buff to the Merkava next. They can barely stop DM33 and 3BM42 from over penning despite being heavier than almost everything else.


Im not sure how it is best to fix this but the M26 and Tiger 2(P) are in spots that dont make sense to me. both tank have direct upgrades at the same br as themselves the. M26 is at the same br as the T26E5, T26E1-1 despite being a downgrade in Armor and Firepower. And you might say well the M26 is lighter and faster so of course its the same br, nope the speed is almost the exact same between the M26,T26E5, and T26E1-1 there is absolutly no reason to play the M26 over the T26E5 and T26E1-1.

Now the Tiger 2(P) is also at the same br as the Tiger 2(H), but the turret is much better protected on the H even though it is the same br.

Realistically they only way I see of fixing it(and also help furthur decompress the br’s) is to take every vehicle at the Tiger 2(H)'s level of strength and move it up in br 0.3, yes that also includes top tier vehicles which should still be moved up anyway.


The SMT can get R-77s so is understandable why is getting a bump to 12.7, but the 29G? Are they going to do a new round of balance when the missiles are added and every vehicle with fox 3 will get up to 13.3? I really doubt.

The reload buff for the Merkavas is great, but the issue of the armor protection being significantly worse than it is in reality should be addressed sometime too, having 10.0 armor at 11.3 & 11.7 is less than ideal.


Yep, agreed. It’s insane they think the premium is 2 BR stops higher than the TT phantoms. Even though the TT phantoms have better engines

Where is the M1 of the M833?

Why the SU 22m3 needs to go down from 10.7 to 10.3
In 10.3 the weapons are not good with the only air to air missile it can carry are the R60s and there are already R60Ms at lower BRs. The counter measures it has are not even enough to dodge 2 aim 9Ls which are again at lower BRs. The performance itself is also not great being an attacker and is the size of a boat. The only upside is being super sonic but being super sonic wont save you from a missile fired 1km away.

25t and TO90 still doesn’t deserve 8.0, only 209 pen and unstabilized is just not capable


The Type 81C is a menace, it will probably settle in nicely at 10.7 since it has strengths and weaknesses over its contemporary, the 2S6.


2A4 is best MBT out of Abrams/T-72AV/Leopard 2A4.

With R-73s, it absolutely would. With how gimped the MiG-29 and Su-27 FMs are, it’s by far the best Soviet dogfighter at the moment, even VTOL aside, and could become formidable with actual dogfight missiles.

It kinda wouldnt even matter if it was 10.7 or 11.0 since Japan only has 11.0 line up.
Any fight I had with Japan was automatically at 11.0 when playing around 10.3-10.7

I mean this is better, but still not sure why you are so intent on increasing the BR of the Char 25t and AMX-50 (TOA90/930). TheAMX-50 is functionally the same tank as the Somua so why it deserves to be a BR bracket higher is just weird.

The Char 25t is even more weird because it has less pen than all the other french drummers making the need for flanking even more necessary. I know it has APHE but come on, 8.0?? Really?


Both of them should go 11.0.
After 32G buff to 2S6, its much better than other SPAAs in 10.3.
Better missile,thermal,AA gun cost more than 0.4

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Put all French tanks at 10.0 or higher. I don’t want any dirty peasants touching them anymore. Only the insane and the top 1% of the 1% should drive them. Gaijin clearly agrees that minor factions are only for the elites and need to be balanced so that normies will think it’s impossible to win with them and will stay away.

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Again I will say that almost all USA planes are undertiered a recent perfect example is this line from the wiki page of the F4U-4. Which is going to 4.3 this BR update.
“* Fast at all altitudes (3rd supercharger gear isn’t needed until over 6,500 m altitude). Once it reaches max speed, only the Yak-3 (VK-107), Yak-3U, La-9, and Do 335 B-2, can catch it at sea level. This means diving away and extending is a reliable escape tactic.”
So you will have a plane with 5.7-6.0 performance at 4.3 because USA pilots are horrible.
Such a great balance change.
And they have the gull to uptier the zero and the J6k1, absolutely clueless.


The absence of the F-15 from 12.7 is just as astounding today as it was last week.

and the planes to 15.0!.

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