Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

That compliant thinking is exactly why game is where it is right now
Deep cold war radar SPAA shooting down WWII planes
Artillery from 2019 playing against WWII tanks
Russian tanks that are 5 x stronger than real life counterparts

Fun game isn’t it
Also reason why this game will always be shadow of what it could be.

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Really cool new turret popper, it’s really nice seeing the Israeli ground tree getting a brand new domestic vehicle! It’s a shame I probably won’t be able to grind it out :(
Will this vehicle come in the form of a coupon or will it be immediately acquired upon unlocking it?

Just like any other BP vehicle, at level 50/75 you get untradeable coupon and then at level 105/125 you get an upgrade allowing you to sell it

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and then you sell it for 0.83 gjn

Oh right, totally forgot about the coupon upgrades lol. Thx

I mostly play Ground Battles, so that’s my bad.

But yeah, just balance it with Battle Ratings.

This isn’t just a tank game, nor is it a fighter plane game, nor a battleship game. It’s a game for all machinery of war that can possibly fit into the play styles and combat scenarios of this game. That’s why SPHs, bombers, and coastal boats are all allowed in this game.

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And put in a blender…

here let me give you a better example.

Sweden’s entire bottom tier, is comprised of vehicles from late WW2 to early Cold War. Yet they’re fighting early WW2 vehicles… which doesn’t fit their era. Why? because they would lose against equal BR vehicles and cannot fight them on fair grounds.

Another example? The Type 74s were developed nearly 10 years after most of the MBTs theyre fighting against in war thunder. But they’re just not as good as other MBTs of their era, so they’re put where they are at for balance reasons.

Your argument is flawed and you reached limply for the T-62 like that proves anything. There’s times when vehicles from a certain service period are on par and thus can be the same battle range in war thunder.

However there is PLENTY of instances where vehicles can either drastically over or under perform relative to other vehicles of their time. That’s why Gaijin has things like the Wiesel 1A4 fighting early cold war vehicles, because if you put it against leopard 2s and Abrams tanks it’d literally be entirely unusable.


This is false. Try again.

Only if are an idiot and insist on trying to use a Wiesel like an MBT.

my bad let me elaborate better. A large majority of Sweden’s bottom tier is late WW/Early Cold War

While even including finland only a small handful are actually designed around the same time period as the vehicles gaijin is having them fighting. Does that help?

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Still wrong. Most of Sweden’s Tier 1 are pre-WWII vehicles or are contemporary with it.
Its actually in Tier II when things get weird. That would be a better example. But even then, what it really shows is that Gaijin adds vehicles that don’t fit the WT meta, like infantry support howitzers and APCs that have no business in a purely “tank game”. And so then they have to fudge the crap out of historical accuracy to wedge them in somewhere they should not be.

“purely tank game” and you’re calling me out for being incorrect. You just made the most aggressively incorrect statement to date. This isn’t a tank game, it’s a game that is comprised of all variety of ground vehicles ranging from Anti-Aircraft weapons, artillery, APCs, IFVs, Tanks, etc.

So who are you to say Gaijin is doing something incorrect, in their game, while also imposing a restriction on their game, that their game never claimed to have.

After reading through what you’ve been saying in this post. I’m just gonna cut it here, because it’s clear you are a very stubborn individual, with very wrong views on this game.

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Yeah no. You are the one who brought down the conversation to only just Swedish Tier I ground vehicles.
By “purely tank game” that means there are none of the things that exist on real battlefields. Infantry, bunkers, antitank guns, etc. that AFVs spend the majority of their time dealing with.
If those existed in the main WT modes, then those “under tiered” vehicles would have vastly greater utility. Bu they don’t so they have to pretend to be “tanks”. Even SPAAs and artillery pieces.
Gaijin adds vehicles to the game like they take random pages from a Jane’s World Armored Vehicles, because they are competing with Whirld o’ Tanks who is even worse than Gaijin at it.


I’m excited for this, I wonder if they’ll also add the V.2 in the future. All in all, I’m always excited for a new Israeli vehicle, and I hope I don’t have to pay for it.

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The official Website of “Beit Hatothan”, the same body that you mentioned in the post states the sholef has a semi automatic reload mechanism that can shoot 9 rounds per minute, equal to about 6.6 seconds per round.אמצעי-לחימה/שולף/


No, this is the main tank prize, im guessing the main prize is going to be a ship.

And here is the official IDF logistics website with pretty much everything known about the sholef in detail. Also says 9 round a minute, advanced FCS with an accurate direct fire sight, and APU.


This is NOT a TANK game.

BR balance doesn’t work. You can see BR changes for same vehicles every 3 months.

That’s a non sequitur.

BR reflects performance. Performance varies with time because variables change with time.

The composition of the playerbase changes. The vehicles present in the game change - about 200 are added every year, with updates every few months.

Maps change. Mechanics change. New mechanics come in. Sometimes even new nations…

Wotj that in mind, it would be bizarre if BRs were static, not the other way around.