Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

SO another day passed and no answer from the gaijin here interesting but i mean no surprise.
The Merkava armor ingame is wrong they acknowledged that and still not changed now for two years, the namer has the wrong armor missing the composite side from merkava and weights to much but the are saying without source not change even if you only need a brain and math to see Merkava 64tons minus 4 tons alone the weapon plus the whole turret but no math in rusia doesnt work and now the sholef disaster! we need more outrage about this stuff and behavior from gaijins employes. Since when is basic math, logical thinking and common sense disapeared at this joke of a company. Gaijin you want us to pay money for the vehicles like bp or premium and play the nations even the small ones but you butcher them to hell? Why is nobody playing things like Israel or France or Italy or sometimes even japan? we dont play it because you make them so underperforming that it makes no sense except youre done with the major ones. The last vehicles are getting more and more wrong, its not our Job to make the vehicles as accurate as possible its yours and you get a lot of money for it! But more and more you guys decide, you know what? f it let the community do all the research and looking for sources without wage and then deny it anyways because the outcome doesnt fit in the Biases worldview. Shame Gaijin Shame. you got a shitstorm last year and if you go the path longer you get another one just the matter of time. Such a good Product but no ambition to make it Great! Cheers im playing WoT now at least WG is not that Stubborn to theyre Community lol


it’s easy to just complain when you are outside, but inside the dev office, things aren’t that simple. it’s not like they will accept the developers to just sit and do nothing. they always have task that sometime take days, weeks, and months to finish. they will not drop what they are doing to simply work on the performance of a vehicle that is otherwise functional. they will first finish what they are doing and then will have a look at what is wrong. the Sholef needs a lot of work, but at the same time, it’s not like anyone is about to have it unlocked any soon. we have serial weeks before the first players can get it for real. the priority is not this high. no need to blame the Bias toward the main 3 nations. it’s mainly due to the large amounts of teenager and American in the community. not that the Americans have anything wrong, it’s just a player tends to play more in the nation he comes from and the Americans are many.


Thats true but for the merkava and namer there was a lot of time and they are still not fixed so no excused on that side. They dont show or explain why certain vehicles have certain thing even if there is no source for that but on the other hand they dissmiss informations they dont like. like a said they cant use math or common sense or logic they want first party sources with exact the wording they want or they dont care and in some cases they know the sources they want dont exist because we are now at modern tanks there a lot is still not public aviable and even if they are there in the case of the merkava armor it cant not even bounce the simples hightier rounds frontaly the tanks just dont work. So there is a reason to complain from the outside, a lot of us pay a lot of money, its a company who wants to make money so its not our problem whats going on intern at gaijin hq its theyre problem and theyre get paid for that. There is clearly Main nation Focus because the most people play the big 3 but on the other hand more people would play the minor nations if they where good and balanced but theyre arent. Gaijin came to the wrong solution, They invest not as much work in the minor because they arent played as much but in reality its not played much because its got nothing going for it. The IDF is a good example tree for that. They have such interresting and specialised vehicles but ingame most is copy pasta without proper support and the things that are Special like namer sholef merkava they are worsend without explonation except → Logic and Math are not proof This is Stupid behavior and should called out for that. We all want a great Game and they want us to pay so its in all peoples interes to complain if something is really not okay. And reducing the BP rewards time after time, the behavior with bugreports, the lies on the devblogs. the Rp Bonuses they are a joke now not that we wanted and it took one year almost to come up with this abdomination and so on and so on there is plenty this time to get mad at the sholef is the thing where it ends for me one thing too much. If theyre want it rly to miss all the thing it has in rl and made it special then at least dont make it higher tier then all the thing what are even better and at 6.3


sooooo is this thing just going to stay the way it is or can I justify buying the battlepass?

Honestly don’t buy it, unless they buff it before the next update dev server (I’m betting it’ll happen this week). I have a feeling they’ll be too busy with that to focus on the battle pass vehicle…

@CalD Any updates on someone going to the museum to confirm a few things, or is that just not possible.

i’m glad i skipped this BP.

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waste of time

Good luck with that. even information that is declassified in Israel is usually very shrouded and it’s very complicated to find any info and the internals of vehicles are usually very classified or just sensitive military information

none so far.

we got an answer from the developer about the fire rate. they said the Sustained fire-rate is 4 rpm while the gun can fire the first 3 rounds in 15 sec. they show museum documents as sources

the same document specifies in burst fire it can fire 9 rpm. i believe the author has mistaken operational fire for sustained fire.

here is a video that shows how the gun is reloaded and how it fires 6 rounds in 40 sec which is more than the 3 rounds in 15 seconds and 4 rounds per minute stated by the author. the video includes a view of the inside and a chronometer. many other pieces of evidence, including other evidence from the museum, confirmed a maximal fire rate of 9 rpm. 4 rpm would be the fire rate of a manual reload…

so I decided to rewrite the report


Nice, wheres the video from?

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it is part of the Sholef Showcase. i can be found at serial place on the net

Hopefully they fix it. The reload is one of the most important things that needs to change on this vehicle…
Thanks for the mini update! <3


For real i love this guy.


My faith in him is the only reason I bought this BP :D


I wonder if Gaijin realize that by this logic pretty much every autoloaded gun in the game has to be severely nerfed due to sustained fire limitations.
If anyone thinks a T-90 can fire 7-8 rounds a minute in sustained mode, let alone in not a full charge but overcharged munition like an APFSDS, I have a bridge to sell.


lol no.
And you deserve every bit of ridicule you get.
It’s not as bad as the outright mockery you made in the Namer devblog, but it’s certainly still terrible.

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I don’t think Stona is the one writing out the devblogs.

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sustained fire is usually equal to the maximal rate of fire. but in this case, it’s the maximal operational fire. the source that was shown to explain why they keep it at 11.3 sec says it was capable of 4 rpm and competent to fire 3 rounds in 15 sec in a burst.

Currently, Gaijin uses the reload rate as a way to balance the game. but that should not be how it would be. if you reduce the reload rate of a vehicles low enough, it would become extremely powerful. if we take something like the M24 and reduce the reload to 2.0 sec, it would end up at BR 7.0 easily.

it’s better to try to keep the vehicles with a realistic value. if the vehicle is better, you balance it with a proper BR change. not change his performance to keep the same BR. that is pretty arbitrary. other vehicles have long reloads for no real reason. such at the ARL-44 who have an assisted loading system to speed up the reload to 12 rounds per minute. yet Gaijin decided to give it 5-6 RPM even if there is a crew of 3 in the turret and even if the 90mm and the 75mm have slower reload than a 105mm and have larger and heavier rounds without an assisted loading system… a now manually loaded gun of the MBT have the same reload speed of the automatic loader…

But the video shows no limitation to firing 6 rounds in 40 seconds, which also led to 9 rounds in 1 minute. outside the overheating and the reduction of the life of the gun, there is no real reason the tank can’t fire 9 rounds per minute for the 60 rounds of the ready rack.

Jeffrey McKaughan, who wrote the book published by the museum might had a tiny misinterpretation of the information that was given to him. he is a well-known writer in this domain. and he is well respected. but the information that was given to him might include translating mistakes or simple mistakes from his sources. that happens sometimes. Jeffrey McKaughan is not from Israel and I doubt he can speak or read Hebrew. which makes him a 2nd hand source. beside Museum Ordnance is not the best museum source. the best museum source for the Sholef is Beit Ha Totchan Museum. which is the museum that owns the surviving Sholef and they said 9 rpm.

right now, I might have found someone willing to go hook up and visit the museum on his own time and check some information about the Sholef and possibly other vehicles. only we do not know when he can go yet. the solution is not to cry, beg, and complain. he solution is to get more prove and debate. which is what I try to do. if the video is not enough, I will get more sources.


You are including the pre-loaded round in that figure. Really the timer starts when the first round is fired and it actually does 5 reloads in 40 seconds from an empty chamber which is around 7.5rpm.
If we count the actual time between reloads. (The timer is based on a 30 frame interval, so 0.15 is actually = to half a second.
1-2: 6.5 seconds.
2-3: 8.5 seconds.
3-4: 8.6 seconds.
4-5: 8.4 seconds.
5-6: 8.3 seconds.
The actual sustained reload is closer to 7 RPM. The “burst” is literally just for the 2nd shot and then all subsequent shots fall to 7 RPM. Combine that with the fact that most autoloaders no matter the style were given a nerf to their sustained rates for the mere fact that AZ and MZ autoloaders couldn’t fit APFSDS next to each other and skip a round for loading. This varies between vehicles with 1.5 seconds being the extreme and 0.5 being around avg. This could drop the RPM down to 6.6rpm if on the lighter end. Still better than 4 RPM, but in no world is the Sholef sustaining 9 RPM.


I would be happy if they set it at 8.5 sec

that would be realistic and give it a chance to make the mistake of thinking the other MBT might have a longer reload and you do not need to find cover.