@KhorneFlakez1337 Tornado IDS MFG and the Tornado IDS WTD61 (at least, maybe another Tornado too) have an Air to SEA radar. The IDS MFG has Air to Sea missiles as well.
Military vehicles have always had multiple variants, including export variants. The whole thing about being upset over adding variants is ridiculous and even more so when you say its lazy. There are limited number of special or unique vehicles before getting into non existing vehicles to curb your desire for always having special vehicles added.
I know it would be cooler if we would get more new airframes, but this is a free BP reward. Considering most of the previous free rewards were actual copy pastes instead of different variants already is a step up and to be honest, BP rewards shouldn’t be entirely new vehicles, but rather unusual variants.
Instead of unique things like the A-1H, A.C.I, Su-8, etc BP rewards should be more like the Churchill Crocodile and Matilda Hedgehog. A bit of FOMO is fine, but the amount of unique vehicles that cannot be obtained is getting out of hand.
All tornados can use their radars against surface targets.
Heavy Machine guns means it has 20 MM all around defence right, right?
IRL yeah, but not ingame
It is undoubtedly beautiful plane, although it is a terrible shame that the game gives no purpose to the feature of the floats, making it merely superfluous. Playing a flying boat in AIR RB and having to land on ground just because the map or game mode does not consider broader nuances feels like such a disappointing experience…
Well, the floats can come in handy once in a blue moon. In naval battles you can cap points with flying boats and floatplanes and in sim and realistic battles you can land next to carriers to restock
so if the dutch also operated this, will the benelux air tree also receive this
Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?
there is hope, but yeah i doubt it for now
Those are how many? Two, three maps? Also, isn’t it true that any plane can “repair” if it just lands near to the aircraft carrier? I don’t know, but it would have been nice if there were resupply docks set up in all bodies of water where floats plane can repair or refuel; since many maps design already have them. This would give them a truly distinctive feature they could really make use of
Do remember you can land on any airfield for rearming. But if they are maps with water especially enduring confrontation, they should designate on the map the aircraft carriers (or fleet tenders which could be cargo ship models) with an area of effect around them to restock and refuel if needed.
I hope so, because if that’s the case it’s actually going to be able to ward off enemy fighters much easier. .50 cals work too, though.
Not quite true. I’ve tried landing on the enemy AF and all they did was shoot me XD
In theory other planes can repair on/around carriers too, yes, but landing near one without floats will result in the plane drowning and landing on carriers can be a hard task depending on the plane and the carrier.
I am pretty sure that in naval battles there usually is a zone for each team near their carrier or airfield that acts like a “water based” airfield
“France” does need a high(er) tier floatie.
If you manage to land on an enemy AF you give up your plane and get captured as a prisoner of war. You can test this for yourself on maps with forward airfields
That should be an achievement. Especially in sim XD
Actually you could give it to French tree which have no premium bomber neither premium flying boat at rank 3.
It will please players much more than another USA prem.