Barak II


Currently there is no news on the missile. It remains a future possibility for the aircraft.

However it’s performance (the missile) is currently superior to most in game.


Ok, thank you for the Answer smin, however it would be really cool to have this missile since it was developed to counter the R-73. lets wait and see.

EHHH sketchy reason, with the same reasoning i could demand the IRIS T missle now

you know that the IRIS-T is more modern and its a god damn beast right? the IRIS-T is on pair with the 9X Block 2 mate

i am aware, but it is the same principal u used

i dont agree because we have more R-73 Variants IRL, the R-73M and R-74 are more on pair with IRIS-T

I believe that gajin could add Python 4 replacement AIM-9M on F-16D Block 40 Barak but guess might consider december this year or Q1 2024 because not ready add Python 4 this month

At least I might hope gajin consider guidance Air-to-Ground munitions SPICE 2000 and MPR500 with JDAM in october-november or december this year

And you guess AAM-3, R-73M & ASRAAM Block I equivalent Python 4 ?