- Yes
- No

3 bombs banded together to fit in one pylon, allows the FJ-4Bs to have up to 18 250lb or ~9 500lb bombs
In 1959, Air Development Squadron 5 (VX-5) and the Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake started work on enhancing the bomb delivery capability of the A-4B and FJ-4B. The FJ-4B unfortunately lacked the wing clearance to use the multiple bomb rack system that was developed for the A-4B. The solution came when the Test Station suggested that they simply band bombs together for the FJ-4B. The banded bombs were simple, 3 Mk.80-series bombs strapped together with 2 steel straps that would come apart after release, which allowed an FJ-4B to carry 12 bombs on its 4 outer pylons. Testing showed the system to be successful, and in one test, the spread of bombs created a 1400 square feet isosceles triangle. The system was also tested on the A-4B, but the successful development of the multiple bomb rack made any further use obsolete. Ultimately, the FJ-4B would never see combat, and the banded bomb idea would be dropped, and a few years later be replaced by the universal bomb rack, designed for planes that couldn’t carry the multiple bomb rack.
In War Thunder:
It would allow the FJ-4B to have some more powerful ordnance options, especially on the pylons that can’t carry the 2000lb bomb. Would be great for base bombing and maybe CAS. Yes.
1x3 250lb Mk.81 or 500lb Mk.82 general purpose bombs, banded together with steel straps.Also tested with 1x6 25lb Mk.76 dummy bombs
FJ-4B (VMF-232) - (technically not as it never reached operational use)
A-4B - (already has bomb racks)
F-100D - (already has bomb racks)
Lawson, C. (2017). Back to Basics. In The Station Comes of Age: Satellites, Submarines, and Special Operations in the Final Years of the Naval Ordnance Test Station, 1959-1967 (pp. 162-164). NAWCWD.
Fitch, W. H. (2008). Oral History of Lieutenant General William H. Fitch [Speech transcript] (pp. 140-141, 149, 155, 174). https://www.usmcu.edu/Portals/218/LtGen%20William%20H_%20Fitch.pdf
VX-5 Develops Multiple Bomb Rack to Increase Jet Aircraft Firepower. (1961, March 31). The Rocketeer , 4.
VX-5 FJ-4B Fury BuNo 143494 | VX-5 Vampires FJ-4B Fury BuNo … | Flickr
1958 China Lake Photo Gallery
Yep. not much else to it. Can’t believe I made a non-naval suggestion.