Regarding my topic earlier. For some reason it also doesn’t allow me to directly message someone on this forum
I’m not sure if my account is bugged out somehow? But I am see the unsporting error when I try to log into my account.
I only have 1 account I have used for years, all my purchases are also linked to this account I am currently posting from when I log into so I really don’t get what’s happening.
For the record, that link you posted is not, don’t know if that was by accident, or on purpose. Not sure why it won’t let you DM people. Did the ban state it was temporary?
I see, ok in that case, i can only suggest to write to support, because as far as i can see you have no ban on the account you are writing from. However there is an account called “bunlarden” and instead of capital B it use small b, and that one is in fact banned but i won’t say why for privacy reasons.
As i assume what could happen is, that somehow you logged to wrong account via steam, and it linked you to the banned one.
So please send ticket to support.
The only thing I can think of is that steam automatically created me an account with the same name last year and it charged some packs to that account instead of my wargaming one. Which I contacted support about and they gave me the packs on the wargaming account and banned the steam one so I wasn’t “duping”
Now I’m stuck in an automatic login loop. Thanks for the prompt replies though
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Just an update, steam was trying to constantly log in with my other “banned” account from the wrong charges.
I had to disconnect my internet so it forced a logon prompt so I could then fill in the correct details
Glad to hear it was resolved :)