This is nonsense what you are suggesting. I prefer to suggest that if you mark an enemy (tank, plane) you should be FORBIDDEN to attack for a period of time unless you destroy the enemy or he destroys you so that it is really FEAR PLAY 1 vs 1
That’s also nonsense, and just as bad as what he’s suggesting.
bait used to be believable
Why not add like a 50k SL bounty on a player when they get an ACE without dying? Would be better suggestion, increase to 100k if they have double ACE (10 kills) without dying lol idk, some idea that just came up like in League lol
I wouldn’t say that for the reason that when you play aerial battles, it seems normal to you that 5 players on turn 1? damn nefer? and so I don’t understand why a person from lvl 100 plays BR 1.3 and spoils the game for the beginning players? a person who has lvl 100 has everything, all machines and crew at max, but a beginner player has everything at 0 if he doesn’t want to invest real money in it! that’s how you would enjoy the game instead of being pissed off at it!
What? It seems to me that you keep being killed by a type or types of vehicles, and now you want to be able to ban a certain vehicle from battles.
Are you okay?
You mark something/one when you need help or can’t handle it yourself. And 90% of the time the rest of your team ignores it, even blunder right in front of that T-14 you just marked…
On paper this seems like a halfway decent idea but in practice queues would end up being 15 minutes plus and even worse depending on if you banned a heavily popular vehicle like the T-72AV. Honestly if a vehicles you’re seeing is annoying you that badly learn its weaknesses and how to exploit them rather than just flat out deciding “I dont even wanna fight these things anymore” and if you do decide that go to a different BR. I absolutely hate T-80BVMs and Pantsir S1s but I dont want to just not fight them, the feeling of deleting one from reality would be a lot greater than the feeling of never seeing one again.
Another hideous piece of bait from a King_Insert name117 account (i could swear they are multiplying and the takes worsening)
I think they utilize mitosis to reproduce. Every time they do their opinions get worse and worse, just like how the telemerase slowly gets shorter and shorter. Unless they are cancerous they should be gone in ~30-40 years
Learn to deal with the vehicle.
“Ok lil dude” says the guy who was complaining about a vehicle mentioning the same topic of Vehicle Ban mechanic.
Im sorry but yea…that’s funny XD
Lmao no. You aren’t stuck in a 1v1 lane against the Abrams, and I find this even funnier because the general consensus is that the Leopard is superior.
Play a match of League of Legends and try to mid lane as Aurelion Sol against Fizz and then you’ll understand why bans exist in that game.
That is a stupid idea like that would make the matchmaker even longer
You’re such a petulant baby, banning the car you always play in to see if you’re still happy
If you don’t want to fight a specific tank then don’t play in its br range
Everybody would just ban the clickbait, because its players are so bad.
Then the clickbait olayers would get only games with outher cliclbait players, and they will also be starting to ban the clickbait. Then the clickbait is completley removed. Hmmm maybe not that bad of an idea lol.
How about just get better at the game. Also side note this is just plain stupidity
Banning the T-34 and never getting a match against russia ever lmao
no way man