BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I hate to admit how many games it took for me to realise it coudlnt detect pd radars… i kept blowing up out of the sky to some random guy in my lazur while flying with my buddy in his mig 23 and thought they were just in my rwr dead zones…

I cant remember what war it was but didnt the americans blow so many planes out the sky with bvr that they genuinely thought it was an issue with thier own planes as they couldn’t detect them? anyone remember what conflict it was as i had their experience.

probably desert storm

The Blue Fox and Blue Vixen didn’t have a CW illuminator, but I’ve seen a place where they said the prototype Blue Vixen had a CW and I’ve tried to find it again for more info but… I doubt it’s true

(This is why we need the BAE Hawk. 9Ls, Skyflash, F-16 radar (iirc) at a nice low BR of 11.3?)

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(it’ll be funny, they said)

It was that some modern (for the time) Sparrow & Radar combinations (F/A-18 & F-15, maybe F-16Cs), did not need to alter their waveform from target track to provide missile guidance, which would normally be what tipped off the opposing RWR to a launch.

Or otherwise they were using the AIM-120 from TWS, which has a similar impact.

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Uhhh… only story I’ve heard of that ilk was Iran Iraq war, where legend has it they (Iraqis) genuinely thought their aircraft were being sabotaged, but they were in fact just being blown up by F-14s.

How true this is, you be my guest to answer. but still.

@Firestarter I didn’t realize it was you, cause I’m used to the Lighting pilot profile pic


The post above is the answer for that, and add a RWRs that light up like christmas trees when irradiated, even by its own jammer or radar. Limiting the use to 1 out of 3 systems.

A mix of all allowed for stuff like this to happen. Just headbutting sparrows


My Tornado F.3’s SuperTEMP approaching the enemy MiG-29 (his RWR has no idea what the hell’s going on):


So does his radar, as it is filled with clutter


When the opportunity presented itself to represent the senior (and superior!) service, I had to grasp it with both hands

I think that’s a bit more than headbutting a sparrow. Either way that photo I find hilarious (despite the fact that it is someone getting bonked)

I think situations like this is why we will never see ecm. Tornado getting away with wakey shit like this against russian jets.

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Nah, I just want to see the mass of Mig-29/Su-27 bug reports of “my radar is broken and wont lock onto anything”

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We probably will, at least of a defensive nature if they go much further since the current Fox 3’s are likely to be pushed down in future to make space. and strike aircraft like the A-7 & F-105, A-10C etc. need some way to not die instantly.