BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Having a hard lock doesn’t mean your missile will follow. The missile seeker will still go for what has the strongest return so if that means there is another aircraft in the area of the missile that gives off a stronger return to its seeker it’s going to go for it.


Oh same. I agree, and it is almost certainly the worst of the 12.3s. I think there are numerous 12.0’s that are better as well. Do I think F4E’s, J8B’s, etc should fight Aim120’s though? Probably not.

Its a compression issue again. Just like the All-aspects at 10.3.

Its a tough call. Do the 11.0s have a tough time vs a target in BVR in a full uptier. Or should the FA2 be left to struggle against full uptiers like the Gripen and F-15… though it would only be mitigated and not removed by moving to 12.0.

I think the bigger deciding factor will be how the community feels about AMRAAM in a month.

I saw a post on Reddit 2 days ago, and annoyingly I can’t find it.

But it was essentially a bug report (that they put there instead of the bug reporting website) about how, if you don’t change radar modes from tws after launching an amraam at a long range target, there’s a 90% chance it will miss, when it should have been a hit.

The user had several videos and a well wrote out post detailing it and how to reproduce it.

They had videos to prove that, under the same conditions, when they changed radar modes, the AMRAAM had a much much better success rate.

Also contained data, on how TWS is poorly implemented, which wasn’t evident until fox 3 came to the game.


Huh, I have been thinking how whenever I use TWS I seem to have a massively reduced rate of hitting things and my missile just eating dirt almost immediately. I thought maybe I was just launching it badly or something.

Will now be avoiding the radar profile for a bit to see how it goes, see if my kill ratio goes back up as it deffo has been going down while trying to learn to use TWS.

If I come across the post, I’ll link it back here.

But it explained why my success rate was ass at medium/long ranges.
I just thought it was me.

Most of my kills in the gripen so far (im not touching either the tornado or sea harrier untill top tier becomes less of a cluster fck) have been when i didnt guide the missiles in. Normally im forced to notch as soon as i launch leading to the missile guiding itself in on either ins or its seaker. so maybe he has a point.

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CRL/BOL is fixed on dev .26


Does this have a similar FM to the av8s or is it different?

Same model as the Sea Harrier FRS1 but with a slightly better engine I think


Same FM as the Earlier AV8C/ Harrier GR1 or 3 but with a slightly better engine

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Found it


I’m not prepared for this suffering


Oh you are not. I know a guy who plays it stock. It broke him.

Not really easy to get kills, both because of the flight model and the 9Ls, you cant base bomb because either you get nailed before getting there or theres none left once you are there, theres literally no efficient way of spading it lol
And the RWR is also lackluster

There is

Peak Warthunder Gameplay GIF - Peak Warthunder Gameplay GIFs


I’m resisting really hard lmao

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I ended up just grinding the early mods for the Sea Harrier in ground rb, its much easier to get kills haha


My experience with the gripen in grb at least has been that my rwr gets instantly crazy the moment i go over a cover and 3 aim120s are launched straight my way lol