BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

thats is awful, like real bad

is the fm “correct”?

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there’s literally only one thing that saves us, which is multipath. The problem is is it also acts as a crutch to enemy players from which they can avoid our own return fire. If multipath were removed (imo the better of the two options) we’d at least have the opportunity to get to high alt, try and suppress an enemy with AMRAAMs of our own, and either kill them before they get to the merge or force them down. Tornado F.3 will never be the supreme aircraft and that’s fine because it never was. It’s annoying but is a virtue attributed to our aircraft. ASRAAM would be unfair on others and C-5 AMRAAM would also be unfair.

Personally I’d continue to advocate for a reduction in multipathing effects for modern/monopulse seeker equipped missiles, and use a bit of smart positioning and real tactics to destroy or disrupt the enemy.

sorry i didnt word it correctly. 10km in a headon, not in altitude. ive been having more like climbing to 10km where the skyflashes have the enemrgy to finally compete with the other SARH missiles your facing at its br. the tactic ill be using is doing the same but with amrams, its why i really REALLY want them to let me carry 6… what i would do with 6 amrams (or skyflashes).

Unfortunately we’re never getting 6 Skyflashes or AMRAAMs on the Nadoes, but I see the logic of what you do.

I’m afraid yes.

I dont know how worried I should be by this. Just got TKed by an Su-27 firing an R-77. but got 0 RWR pings. Is this just because its a friendly. Or can the RWR on the FA2 not detect the Su-27/R-77 ?

Maybe because its Friendly

FA2 in the dev has the Apache RWR at the moment so it should detect it

Yeah, I hope, either that or the missile just went ballistic and wasnt even locked onto me

The locks of ARH have been werid

I expect alot of team killing if this isn’t corrected

Yep, just had it happen again. I think its swapping targets randomly but not locking onto the different target

What do you know, the ‘Z’ has gone.


And the original picture was removed? Unsure why, as it doesn’t break any forum rules to post a picture of a skin on the dev server.

Edit: Prob not removed, just image un-hosted.

Used to look like this.


It’s a Harrier I so it’s turn performance won’t be anything like as good as the GR.7 or AV-8B+

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New MFD option on the FA2


Still gr3 hud


Gun lead is also fixed and the skin for the ADEN’s has been fixed as well.


Just the FA2 or did the FRS1 get it too?

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FRS.1 report is still open.

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