BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I sometimes have this (or a similar) issue randomly, so far not been able to see a pattern. I noticed it with J35A and iirc also once or twice in MiG-29 and A-10…

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Sea Harrier cockpit - Beautiful.

That RWR though. Game changing.

the launch warning is an absolute life saver, no more playing chicken with “is it radar spaa or a sparrow”

Question though.

Now that the Squad SHar is the post war variant…Do I/We make a suggestion to have the ‘Blue Eric’ Added to it? (I Band radar jammer)

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If we had ECM yes. But unfortunately not a game mechanic yet. Hoping that is something we get this year. Would give a lot of British top tier a new lease on life

I thought only the GR.3 used Blue Eric?

In David Morgans Book ‘Hostile Skies’ He mentions it was fitted to SHars at the very end of the Falklands War. But was used mainly by GR.3s beforehand.

So the Squad FRS.1 should get it, when we get Electric CM.

Also, loving the new skin on the FRS.1.
The jet just needs drop tanks now to feel complete.

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Drop tanks on the Shar and f104’s would be amazing imo.

Yeah, they would be cool just for visuals

But then, will you actually carry them?

They’re just adding weight and take up 2 stations you’d need for weapons, and the Shar is very fuel efficient so you can easily fly for a long time with what you carry internally.

Still of course, for completeness and aesthetics Im all for them!

Maybe, min internal fuel + 2 fuel tanks gives me a psuedo way of doing a fuel dump for vtol landing. But usually id take bombs

Been grinding out the TT FRS.1 to use in my 10.3 lineup with the Bhishma. Because of all the F-5C spam, been consistently on tier or below. Been quite fun to be honest. Especially when i get on the tail of a jet with no flares.

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looks like the stat card and tree icon for the sqad shar need updating

TT version also has the Dark Sea Grey gun pod and pylons from the new Squadron textures, as they saved over the old texture files for the Squadron SHar and didn’t update the TT’s SHar’s .blk file to have paths for unique (old) textures for those shared parts

F5C Spam making playing the SHar a pain at the moment.

Issue being how easily countered the 9L is, and the crazy low heat signature of the F5, makes for a bad time.



I’ve found it to be hit or miss with the F-5Cs. Can sometimes get the drop on them and others I’m scrambling. Though nothing is more fun than viffing them when they’re on your tail and shooting them down as they pass by. The sheer panic in their flying always brings a smile.


We already have one of these.

Just need the other.


Was discussing this in another thread. Is there a reason BOL+Sidewinder wasnt possible on the FA2 like it is on other aircraft?

  • 2 x Sidewinder + 2 x Gun Pod + 380 countermeasures ( 2 x BOL 304 & 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 2 x Sidewinder + 2 x AMRAAM + 380 countermeasures ( 2 x BOL 304 & 2 x AN/ALE-40)

It is possible, that’s what these loadouts are. You can’t however have the twin sidewinder rails with BOL on them. So any loadout that has the 4xSW cannot mount the BOL rails.

Ah, so its due to the twin mount. So its 2x Aim9M mounted to a bol rail or a twin mount

Yellow = SW with BOL
Blue = Twin mount no BOL.

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Thank you. Much appreciated.

I assune you “could” run assymetrical loadout with bol on one wing and twin mount on the other?