BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

It uses the double rail to get 4 missiles, bol can be only one

So what’s the name of the sidewinder rail on the Gr.7 and Gripen?

It’s like the FRS1 and it’s dual 9L rails. But BOL can’t be fitted on those dual rails

Ok i think made it sound wrong. The Shar 2 uses harrier 1 base, so it has 2 pylons per wing, while GR 7 has 4 per wing. That is why Shar 2 has to use double rail, just like squad Shar 1, to mount 4 missile on the double rail on the outboard pylon. But bol cant be mounted on the double rail. So you either mount double rail with 2 9m or you mount a bol with 9M.
Inboard pylons are for fuel tanks and dumb munition, so neither missile nor bol can be mounted there.
Also i dont think the bol(what would be a better term to call amraam/Skyflash rail, bol or crl?) was mounted under fuselage, but i might be wrong.

Quick diagram.

On the Sea Harrier FA2 on the wings you have a choice between these 2 configurations and only 1 hardpoint for AAMs per wing. (You can also have AMRAAM instead of Sidewinder, but only with the single rail, though should still be able to have a BOL)

I understand that. What I’m asking is: the sidewinder rail. On the F-14B, Tornado F.3, JAS39, and Harrier Gr.7. that has 160 countermeasures in it. Was that ever fitted to the Shar FA.2?

I think they are the same ones. 160 per BOL. So 2x BOL = 320

Then plus the 60 internal like the FRS1 has. So 380 total when running 2x BOL.

Ok wait. I get it now.

So is it a size thing that prevents the bol from being used on the twin rack or is it electronics?

That I have no idea about. @Gunjob might know though.

Im guessing a combo of size, weight and wiring

Obligatory @Gunjob mention.

If in doubt, the almighty corgi will probably know the answer :D

It’s more a case of there being no evidence that it was ever done, than a case of there being evidence it was impossible to do.


on the inboard pylons, maybe the Chaff/Flares would foul the aircraft on deployment?

Not sure why the Outboard pylons wouldn’t carry them.

We are talking about mounting bol on the double rails, the ones seen on the squad Shar

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yeah I know. presumably the inboard ones with BOL rails might’ve fouled the exhausts?

Well, the bol shoots to the back, so doubt it

Ive just unlocked the TT SHar. Why does the radar struggle with locking targets? Even on narrow scan when the target is being picked up on every sweep, i press lock and it fails but still keeps picking up in normal scan. This occurs even below 19km radar range setting.

Other than trying to reduce ground clutter by angling radar upwards. Anything else i can do to try improve target lock?

On a sidenote. Did the Shar FA2 utilise a HMD?

The radar is bugged rn, it takes the clutter and strenghtens it for some reason.

I dont think so. Never heard nor seen anything that would suggest it did.


Sigh. Well atleast its not a skill issue lol.

Ah ok. Just wishful thinking on my part tbh. Cheers