Yep, no flap take off 🤣
Got some great new information on Blue Vixen thanks to @Flame2512;
Mech limits, bars and scales;
Tracking capabilities;

Radar notch settings;
You can’t park there sir
Still love you flame. :)
Personally I would prefer if they added an even later version in the normal tech tree with the sole purpose of having AIM-9M’s. I’d prefer the one at 10.3, another at 10.7 and a third at 11.3.
by this point just give us a FA.2 with 9Ms (no amraams would also be fine) we dont really need a third FRS.1
They can’t do that it will ruin me
I was flying the FRS1 the other night and was experiencing far more ground clutter interferance than I’d expect. I think Schindibee also touched on this a few weeks ago. Even at alt, with the nose of the aircraft pointing up, you seem to get quite a bit of interferance.
Is this a bug that needs reporting or is this expected behaviour. Would have figured that a aircraft/radar designed for naval air defence it would be a little better than most for handling ground clutter (I also took the Phantom FG1 out and its SRC mode was fine and what I was expecting in terms of ground clutter on the radar)
lets be fair it would make SHAR a unique vehicle. for more than 1 reason anyway.
I feel if they add it, it’ll go up in BR ((
FA.2 with 9M’s would sit well there, would be bumped up with addition of amraam
they would probably drop it to 12.0because of the radar and BOLs
The BOL’s yes. The radar probably no.
OH NVM just saw the AV8B+ sits also at 11.7
Even then, unlike the Gr7 or AV8B+. It’s 4x Aim9M and no BOL or 2x Aim9M and 2x BOl (or 3x Aim9M and 1x BOL). So would be a lot less than either of the Harrier II. Would still likely be 11.7, but might scrape 11.3.