Wa’Er is Wa’Er. We can call it a mid continet sea
Something I want to find out is how do you fuck up so badly when transporting her Majesty’s finest naval air defence fighter.
Well, VTOL is not the easiest thing to controll irl, as one pilot said “this plane gives you x ways to embarass and kill yourself” (i forgot how it went)
nozzles are in somewhat vtol position
I think it was a training flight and the student pilot failed to get it to the breaking stop. Meaning he skidded straight off the edge of the runway
wasn’t their one that got lost so he landed on a cargo ship
VTOL is hard why did you think the Russians had an auto eject
another one going for a sip
rocekt man
I love the life raft. Make sure to always follow emergency procedures
you would be able to step on a wing and jump off it
funny thing is, the captian claimed salvage rights for this and got 600.000 pounds XD
This of course, was preceded by one of the other Sea Harrier pilots not engaging in any sort of Flaps.
Does not surprise me. Difference between flotsam and jetsam.
Yep, no flap take off 🤣
Got some great new information on Blue Vixen thanks to @Flame2512;
Mech limits, bars and scales;
Tracking capabilities;

Radar notch settings;