S.2B carried Pave Tack Laser Designator, and could carry LGBs too.
The downside to Pave Tack is it doesn’t get thermals, so that in itself would probably make it 10.0 worthy.
Whether they self designated I don’t know, I have seen a clip flying around somewhere during Desert Storm of one allegedly putting a paveway on a parked Transport, however i dont know if that was a self designate
The buccaneer was used in desert storm to designate targets for tornado and jaguar. Meant they could carry there full bomb loads. Buccs also bombed targets of opportunity if they got the chance.
With reference to a clip i talked of earlier. Unfortunately i’ve only seen it posted on TikTok (the most unreliable of sources to end all unreliability) so I have no idea if it is actually a Buccaneer but given the distinct British accent and lack of TI it certainly looks like it.
If we get the S.2B I hope it comes with the Martel missiles. Only problem is that they are very long range. On the flip side they are sub sonic, produce a smoke trail the entire flight, and are a large target. So shooting them down should be possible.
They are TV guided but not in the way you think. The missile has a camera in the nose which sends footage back to the aircraft over data-link. The navigator then manually steers the missile to the target (or more accurately the navigator keeps a crosshairs over the target on the video and the missile steers itself to hit the target)