BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Just a shame that radar took 9 months to be corrected.

Who do I have to suck up to so that the FRS.1’s are designated as fighters instead of Strike aircraft. I know I’ve harped on about it for a while but I haven’t seen that many people talking about it.

I mean
So both are good i guess?

Is the technical term not fleet air defence fighter?


No high tier jets get air spawns. Not even bombers.

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Sad Buc S2 noises

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Still no sign of S.2B, Pave Tack, Martel, Ext FTs and the rest.


i really do hope one day we get the buccaneer s.50 as a squadron vehicle and the s.2b after the s.2


A foldered S.2B would be really nice.


that could also work but also maybe not? doesnt the s.2b have built in flare dispensers and 9Ls? i feel like that might be too big a br change to folder with the s.2

S.2B would be 10.7 at best. I feel 10.3 because LGBs, 9Ls, I mean A-6E. that said S.2B would only be getting 2 of each, so in that sense maybe 10.0?

yeah i was thinking around there too, 10.3 would be perfect as its still a subsonic airframe incapable of any turning with the biggest downside of not having any guns

could the s.2b actually carry and use LGBs? i thought they could only do that if they had another plane designating?

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S.2B carried Pave Tack Laser Designator, and could carry LGBs too.

The downside to Pave Tack is it doesn’t get thermals, so that in itself would probably make it 10.0 worthy.

Whether they self designated I don’t know, I have seen a clip flying around somewhere during Desert Storm of one allegedly putting a paveway on a parked Transport, however i dont know if that was a self designate

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The smaller Pave Spike, wasn’t it?
But yes, Bucc could carry the pod and Paveway at the same time


Saw the SHar Post alive again.

Happy SHar enthusiast noises.

See Bucc chatter.

Sad noises.

SHar FA.2 when (((


The buccaneer was used in desert storm to designate targets for tornado and jaguar. Meant they could carry there full bomb loads. Buccs also bombed targets of opportunity if they got the chance.

With reference to a clip i talked of earlier. Unfortunately i’ve only seen it posted on TikTok (the most unreliable of sources to end all unreliability) so I have no idea if it is actually a Buccaneer but given the distinct British accent and lack of TI it certainly looks like it.

If we get the S.2B I hope it comes with the Martel missiles. Only problem is that they are very long range. On the flip side they are sub sonic, produce a smoke trail the entire flight, and are a large target. So shooting them down should be possible.

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Is there a Bucc threads? I want to know the differences between the variants. Of the S.2 I mean.