BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

A massive and terrible bodge-job

Sea Harrier FRS.1 (l) it’s squadron vehicle rank 7 ?

I personally Sea Harrier FRS.51 (l) from Indian Navy (IN) add to rank VIII and could be 12.3 BR

The FA2 would still be the superior airframe as the Blue Vixen is the vastly better radar

I guess Sea Harrier FA.2 could be 12.7 BR in rank VIII, but unsure armed and employ ASRAAM Block I ?

12.3 max due to flight performance and no chance of any ASRAAM for at least another year

I know gajin consider ASRAAM Block I after this year but unsure add on Sea Harrier FA.2 and BR higher 12.3 ?

I guess Q4 2024 or Q3 2025 gaijin might consider ASRAAM Block I

Excuse me, AV-8B Harrier II+ from Marina Militare armed AIM-132 ASRAAM ?

Not in service, but as showed in the pictures It was seen with It once

Updated the FRS.1 @Flame2512

Excuse me, does that mean that squadron vehicle rank 7 Sea Harrier FRS.1 could get AIM-9M ?

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If devs decide to accept it, then yea (i doubt they do)

Gunjob, plz convince devs to give 9M to Squad FRS.1

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I would rather have a tech tree version with Mike’s rather than the squadron one.
The FRS.1 with Mikewinders would just be a worse AV-8B+.

There’d be no need for a TT version.

If/When the FA.2 comes it’ll be the Mike carrier.

The Squad FRS.1 is depicting the late variant, so it getting Mikes makes it more of a better reason to be a Squad Veh, rather than an additional 2 Limas.

The Squad FRS.1 is depicting the Falklands war variant.
the FRS.1 isn’t great but it’s still not necessary to have the Mikes.

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Squad FRS.1 is post war.
The 4 x Sidewinder was introduced as they addressed the Sea Jets shortfalls during the conflict.

FRS.1(e) is the Falklands Variant.

If they fixed the issues with the Lima (And actually modeled afterburner plumes as a heat signature), then yeah, id agree, Mikes aren’t necessary.


Updated both FRS.1 and FA.2 to carry the Dechirped 9L.


That will be pointless

Pointless? its a massive increase in lock range.