BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Gayjen when???



What in the Snail God’s name is THAT?!?

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A noncredible Sea Harrier haha.

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I was looking some photos of the FA.2, ended up finding that which is a Sea Harrier FA.4 lol

There’s even the FA.5



They are mods for a sim called Third Wire, haven’t heard of it before

That is some fantasy Ace Combat level stuff haha.

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A man can dream lmao


Oh my… Imma stop here…

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Any idea when Gaijins going to fix the 9L’s flare resistance?

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No updates, if I had something on that you can be sure I’d let the community know haha.

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Fair enough

One thing that continually annoys me, is my 9L doing it own thing when the enemy sneezes infront of it…whilst im getting killed by earlier 9’s that ignore my flares.

Im a non afterburning jet, dumping reinforced flares…and they still ignore them and kill me.

That’s the worst part about the current 9Ls, they aren’t predictable, whether or not they track a target is based purely on the roll of a D20. I’ve seen 9Ls ignore flares and pull off impossible shots and then be immediately followed by one going for a flare even when it should not. They are totally randomly


I’ve also noticed my L’s started to lock random patches of air around the target too

This has been an issue for as long as I can remember its not exclusive to the aim-9l

It was fixed temporarily not so long ago, but in recent days it’s crept back in as a bug.

Dropping this here as to not take the Harrier II topic too far offtopic.

Would like the option to have the Sea Eagle on the SHar.

2x Sea Eagle & 4x AIM-9L. (No Gunpods due to weight though)

Could retain gunpods if only 2x Sea Eagle fitted.


The FA.2 has a TWS air to sea mode, which could possibly be used with Sea Eagle. Don’t know if you could multi launch as a result but maybe?

Possibly, we’d have to start asking those in the know if it could.

I’d like to think the limiting factor would be the Sea Eagle, if you could ‘Talk’ to multiple of them simultaneously.

Adding another couple.

FRS.1 with 2x AIM-9 & 2x Sea Eagle, No GunPods


FA.2, can only see one side, so can only assume its mirrored on the other pylons?
AIM-9 on outer, Sea Eagle on inner, AMRAAM on centre RH.


Was just having a look at the Sea Harrier FRS1 and is it me, or is the twin bombs very very close to those 9Ls. Surely they’d “clip” if either were fired like that?

Screenshot 2023-07-21 013913

It looks like the twin bomb carrier is offset to the left of where it should be (without looking into it I assume it should be centred on the pylon).

It was reported but considered not a bug, given the twin store has three mounting points, if it was moved the centre point it would be fine.