BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Does this have a similar FM to the av8s or is it different?

Same model as the Sea Harrier FRS1 but with a slightly better engine I think


Same FM as the Earlier AV8C/ Harrier GR1 or 3 but with a slightly better engine

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Found it


I’m not prepared for this suffering


Oh you are not. I know a guy who plays it stock. It broke him.

Not really easy to get kills, both because of the flight model and the 9Ls, you cant base bomb because either you get nailed before getting there or theres none left once you are there, theres literally no efficient way of spading it lol
And the RWR is also lackluster

There is

Peak Warthunder Gameplay GIF - Peak Warthunder Gameplay GIFs


I’m resisting really hard lmao

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I ended up just grinding the early mods for the Sea Harrier in ground rb, its much easier to get kills haha


My experience with the gripen in grb at least has been that my rwr gets instantly crazy the moment i go over a cover and 3 aim120s are launched straight my way lol

That’s the one! Awesome.

You still have to compete with supersonic jet for the kills

Whatever you are expecting, it is worse

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There’s definitely something up with this thing’s heat signature. I genuinely don’t think I’ve flared a single missile that was fired at me from behind.


All the Harriers seem to have very hot engines, it does make sense as it produces like 10,000kgf of thrust, but still it feels hotter than a lot of afterburning jets


An F5 that’s running an afterburner has a lower IR signature than the harrier…because Gaijin…they don’t model afterburner plumes as IR signatures


No, its just that temperature is based on the cockpit gauges, and F5 has the measuring device in front of the engine, resaulting in lower temps

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Yeah but I distinctly remember flaring missiles without issue in the GR.3, which I have played quite a bit. This new one though…it gets stomped on by Aim9G’s, J’s, H’s, L’s, M’s (but what doesn’t have issues with an M), R60M’s…
I wonder if it is something with the new engine

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