BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion


Has it been reported?


Shouldnt the Sea Harrier FA2 have an Auto-ACM mode as its has a all aspect radar?


Would everyone be happy with more SHars (fictional of course)

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  • Sea Harrier FRS. 1(K)
  • Sea Harrier FA.2(K)
  • Sea Harrier FA.3
  • Harrier lll
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  1. Sea Harrier FRS. 1(K)- BAe plan to retrofit Sea Harriers with Harrier GR.5(K) wing when it became available, this new wing would add 8 total pylons.

  2. Sea Harrier FA.2(K)- same upgrade to the Sea Harrier FRS.1(K) as what happened IRL.

  3. Sea Harrier FA.3-Idea to give the Harrier GR.5 the Blue Vixen, an HMD and a new wing

  4. Harrier lll- proposed replacement with the newly retired Sea Harrier FA. 2, it would have been a Harrier GR.9 upgraded with Sea Vixen and the Striker HMD as well a being upgraded earlier to carry AIM 120.

Only have pic for FA.3

The FA.3 can carry 6 AMRAAM and 2 ASRAAM
P.S. Couldn’t submit the 2 as 1 comment.

I don’t think anyone would say they wouldn’t love for the FA.3 to have existed but none of these are applicable to the game rules.

I think its a massive shame no GR.5+ airframe’s were never retrofitted with the SHar’s avionics package and radar, or that the Legacy Harrier airframe never receives some sort of aerodynamic modification package with a LERX or something.


The games vehicle addition rules have changed a lot and the FA.3 could be made a gap filler between the SHar and F35B (even if the P.125 was added (which it could) it would still be to advanced).

The Eurofighter wouldn’t be enough before the F 35 and we already got the last Tornado ADV

Never existed, so we have no idea of the flight performance. No idea if any of them carried additional countermeasures so 60 max based on the GR5 fuselage. No idea what the cockpit looked like. Basically nothing but drawings and a bit of text.

So no, I don’t think they should bother with any of them.


You posted some time ago picture of all 3?

Not quite, all 3 pics are proposals for the FA.3 so I chose the coolest one.

Finally its the day, i can finally post

How are peoples games going with it btw? Are people managing even/positive K/Ds? I am not playing Air RB so my gameplay is likely going different and I fear going back into it ha.

Doing fine. But no BOL, no HUD and the crappy RWR is making life much harder than it should be. But holding my own.


Seconding @Morvran comments.

Only addition is, I’m finding TWS mode and AMRAAMs being finicky.

Ghost Contacts meaning im getting a soft lock and firing at nothing.
And TWS lock not maintaining lock when it should.

Occasionally getting AMRAAM’s that fail to take the target out when it should have, and had them fly off at 90 degrees at the last second before the target.

Yeah, I had a AMRAAM decide to go for an entirely different target yesterday to what I had hard locked and TKed a teammate. It literally did a 90 degree to turn to dodge the target it would have hit if it went in a straight line.

I have noticed the missile doing this stuff especially if i am still locked to a target as I turn away from it, I have seen my missile decide to do a 90 degree turn in the same direction as me and just ignore the initial target, very odd.

Wasnt sure if it was just a “glitched” viewing of the missile or not and it was actually still going to the main target direction and just appeared like it was spinning but yeah, was very odd.

FA2s Flares are definetly bugged. When you cant even flare off an R-60M with 10 flares. Then something must not be right

This actually happened to me today. Confused the heck out of me, as I flared plenty in advance, and the R60 was fired from a ways back while I was turning and flaring.

Glad Im not the only one. basically spent the last 2 days unable to flares missiles 95% of the time. Even relatively “weak” ones. Im guessing its related to the Broken BOLs for now. But definetly something that will need investigation if/when they are fixed

It’s because IR temperature is directly related to engine temperature.
The sea harrier runs very hot, and even at 90% is hotter than an afterburning jet.