Yeah FM is now basically a copy-paste FRS.1 FM with a little more thrust and a little more mass.
Dunno about irl but on Dev you could. Obviously it was undesirable to do so thanks to range… or lack thereof.
With working horizon / attitude lines and a working flight patch marker? ;-)
I’d imagine so seeing as theres ground launched AMRAAMs and i dont believe they undergo any special modification in relation to launch speed
Yep it has the 106 now :)
Not yet.
There, I fixed it for you:
I think it is extremely unreasonable for the FA2 and AV8B+ to be in the same BR. The maneuverability of the FA2 is too poor, as it can only pull out 6G overload at 5000m, which means it has almost no ability to evade radar missiles within 16km. At the same time, both the directional abilities in medium-high altitudes and low altitudes are too poor (overall, the maneuverability of the aircraft is at most 9.7).
Therefore, its BR should be lowered to 12.0.
If this BR is maintained, this aircraft will be the worst-performing in short-range combat at 12.3.
I’m not really sure it’s fair for 11.0 planes to fight a plane with AIM-9Ms and AMRAAMS
However the Sea Harriers FM is so abysmal for its BR it could be the only way to make it playable
I dont see Gaijin reducing it tbh, you could make it a thread in the dev area to discuss now its FM is corrected as people can actually go look at it?
Though I do wonder how much of a different impact the SHAR with AMRAAMs would be vs say, F14a/b with its aim54s at 11.7/12.0 respectively.
If the plane gets splatted for months they might drop it, but i dont see them releasing it at 12.0 without a major shift in the public view via a thread in the dev test zone.
I reported the Mk.106 engine limits, we will see Maximum Continuous (~90% RPM / 70-80% Throttle) raised to 1 hour, and Maximum Dry (~99% RPM / ~90% Throttle) raised from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
It’s a tough call, AMRAAM is the greater equaliser. Though unlike all-aspects (at 10.3) everything does or should have plenty of chaff and they don’t appear to be that strong yet.
I think others are right. We are going to need to slog it out till the next BR change and then make our case then. I don’t think it would work yet
Yes,Lowering BR to 12.0 is likely to make it somewhat competitive, but it’s still hard to say.
Let’s compare it to the gr7, and it’s clear that its advantage is the excellent radar (but it’s hard to say whether this will be its advantage, because its airframe performance is so bad that it’s only about 9.7, which makes its ability to use radar to lock on to targets at this weight is very low) with the aim120. Its disadvantage lies in its extremely poor airframe performance (9.7 level)
Even with the gr7’s airframe performance (around 11.0), I admit it’s flexible, but it’s almost impossible to attack from low altitude, because it only has an advantage in the first round of hovering, but its energy will be lost rapidly in combat, so the best way for him to attack is to attack from top to bottom and then break away.
But fa2 is very difficult to accomplish even this kind of top-down attack. As I said earlier, only a maximum overload of 6G at 5000 m will make it very difficult for the target to enter the attack envelope of the missile quickly, whether it is against the target at the same altitude or the target at a low altitude. (Now even the U-turn is done very slowly.)
To sum up, a 9.7 airframe is too weak for a 12.3, and even though it has one of the best weapon systems in the game, its lack of HMD, coupled with its poor pointing ability, will make it difficult for it to take the lead。It is also difficult to avoid any missile of this weight.(It is also difficult to avoid any missile of this weight.)
As far as the aim120 is concerned, it’s hard to say what’s the difference between it and the aim54 at a long distance. Of course, it’s worth affirming that the 120a is very powerful within 16 km, but it may not be as good as the r27er at this distance.
does the radat have any upgrades over the defualt one? because a lack of pd at this br is a deal breaker lol. so i am assuming its better than what we already have.
You mean the radar on the FA.2 compared to the FRS.1?
by the way, i don’t know how to make a thread in the dev area,And I have every reason to believe that gaijin will shrug off this kind of vote, they always only believe in game data when it comes to BR tuning, and a lot of times even a bad performance of a plane won’t change its BR because it has good missiles (fire sticks-because you don’t have a chance to launch them)like the su39
yeah, whats the difference between the frs 1 and fa 2. is it huge and im making a fool of myself lol.