I don’t think that I have reason to prohibit the US from having AIM-95.
Sorry if I mistook your comment, a little bit tipsy now.
Anyway, I am bit tired of all those lame "balancing decisions’
I don’t think that I have reason to prohibit the US from having AIM-95.
Sorry if I mistook your comment, a little bit tipsy now.
Anyway, I am bit tired of all those lame "balancing decisions’
“Balancing Decision”
Congratulations Gaijin,
Harrier T.10 is now officially on [DoA of DoA] status.
Prepare the best pre-order title and camo which you can bring, Gaijin.
I think nobody is gonna pre-order it unless super-super-neat things come as a pre-order bonus.
Started with a worse F-4J first.
now even with a worse Harrier II.
Wouldn’t get it even if they paid me GE lol.
This might be a bit off-topic
But I can’t wait to see that when SHar FRS.1 (Squadron) becomes 11.3 and ties with Harrier T.10 in ARB.
30 aden vs 25 but yes. Sadly.
Still though to play the Frs.1 well they player needs more skill than the opponent currently due to a few major issues that still exist with all Harrier 1s.
Flaps are incorrect and produce far too much drag
Still missing around 1 whole G in STR
specific to mouse aim is the AOA limit is ridiculous.
It does look like this playing, the Jaguar GR1.A recently and it only has Phimat pods and Aim9G!
At that BR near everything has an all aspect IR missile and it gets worse in ground battles with the Bucaneer at the same br having an Aim9L and the A-10/Su-25 spam.
Not the same guns, ADEN 25s are significantly higher velocity, and comparable to the M61
AP round velocity (Highest Velocity shell taken)
ADEN 30 - 795 m/s
ADEN 25 - 1,100 m/s (APHE)
M61 -------- 1,030 m/s
BK27 ------- 1,025 m/s
Used to be even better but they nerfed the 25mm HVAP :shrug:
Well, In fact I am well aware of that as long as I spaded my GR.7 before XD
But according to current status between T.10 and AV-8B(NA) or F-4J(UK) and F-4J/S(USN)
Gaijin might think both are the same ADEN. but sidegraded. Facepalm
“no phimat pod” yeah nobody is using that if it replaces a missile
imagine if we got BOL, i would be happy and pre-ordering
but now, i will be recommending people dont even buy it, even on sale
Watch them remove it from sale and bring it back as a GE premium with BOL. But knowing Gaijin BOL will replace a missile making it marginally better than having only Phimat. They are too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
Seems there will be a preorder period for the T.10
Still gonna get it later when I have more money to be scammed
Noooooo dont feed into this
Dont buy till BOL
Hold out soldier WE are the customer
Don’t worry my friends. I am too poor to get it right now and I will probably only afford it after it gets BOL
Me too, my money doesnt exist until BOL is added
Is it that you won’t pay or can’t? I would buy it rn if I could even though it is a bad purchase but I love the Harriers too much, I’m collecting them
Im also collecting them too. I have them all besides the italian one. But i WANT a fun experience, i aint even gonna play it unless it has equal or more countermeasures then the AV8B(na) which i did preorder
I have grinded Britain 3 times in the last 6 years, I have gotten used to it