Badger MV

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During the late 1990’s the SANDF was looking to replace the aging Ratel fleet with more modern ICV’s. In 2002 ARMSCOR issued a contact to four local defence companies which were given the task to design a new ICV for the defence force, this included development studies and full-size mock-ups being build. ARMSCOR however was not completely satisfied with the results and by 2005 open the contact to international companies, only giving one year to submit a proposal and budget for a new ICV. Due to the requirements only one bid was received, being the Patria ICV from Finland. The Patria ICV would however not be adopted as is and would receive various modification making it more suitable for the SANDF needs and the climate it would have to operate in, the Patria ICV would also receive a new name, being called the Badger. The Badger was different from the Patria, having received a dedicated bush protection kit to enhance its durability when used in the African bush. The Badger features a dual hull to increase survivability against HEAT and kinetic projectiles and can also be fitted with add on armour on the frontal arc of the vehicle and on both sides of the hull. The Badger also features a mine protection hull which absorbs the blast from landmine detonations. The Badger comes in 6 different variants, the one which will be focused on in this forum post is the Badger MV (Missile Variant), fitted with the Denel LCT-Missile turret.




Main Armament: Four ZT3A2 ATGM launchers (two on each side of the turret)

Main Ammunition total: 12

Secondary: one 7.62mm MG

Secondary Ammunition total: 4 000

Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)

Combat weight: 28t

Engine: Scania Diesels engine

Horsepower: 543hp

Gearbox: Automatic ZF gearbox (7 forward, 1 reverse)

Top Speed: 104 km/h

Thermal/Night sight: Yes

Smoke grenades: Yes


Primary sources

Surviving The Ride, written by Steve Camp & Helmoed Romer Heitman (Page 198-200)

Sou th African Armoured Vehicles “A history of innovation and excellence” writte n by Dr Dewald Venter (Page 86-91)

Denel Advance Modular Infantry Combat Turret brochure

Secondary Sources

Tank Ensyclopedia: Badger - Tank Encyclopedia


ZT3A2 is amazing, this would be even better. Even EVEN better would be if it could fire on the move. +1

Very noice +1

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