BAC TSR.2 - Technical Data and discussion

And this was in the early 1960’s. Imagine what we could’ve gotten if Labour hadn’t been in power.

@FlyingOstridge You can add TSR.2 to the list of aircraft that used the low drag 1,000 lb bomb (if you count mock weapons):


What about internally? If not this will just be a better Bucc S.1.

Yup capacity for 6 1000lb bombs innthernal bay, so max of 10x 1000lb bombs


Yeas but that’s for the 1000lb MC bombs. If the Bucc can’t carry 4 N.1 bombs then I doubt the TSR.2 can either.

No reason TSR-2 can’t bomb bays certainly big enough

Honestly the bigges problem TSR.2 is going to have inst bombs its self defence, the lack of AAM’s are a serious hang up.

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WT community bombs will come in handy for that sort of thing.

Considering it can fly higher than most fighter, i won’t see this under 11.0 to be fair and square.

What do you mean by WT community bombs?

It would also be one of the fastest aircraft in the game.

High drag bombs :)

Those wont help with the lack of missiles

And? She doesn’t need missiles.

To be fair dropping a 1,000 lb retarded bomb to destroy an aircraft that’s chasing you is a tactic that features in multiple RAF tactics manuals. Obviously hard to pull off in game though.

At least the really good flight performance of TSR.2 should let you out run most threats.


Yeah she do have leeeeegs

that. and no guns either that we know of. Buccaneer but more cracked lol


never realised that was a specified tactic. the more you know

Perhaps there could’ve had the project proceeded, maybe been an attempt to fit with an ADEN/Hispano gunpack? would need to check the dimensions of the Bomb Bay

potentially feasible there was a concept that replaced the bomb bay with a missile bay and fitted red top’s so the TSR.2 could be used as a fighter