Forreal this thing rips its wings with the most basic manouvers at like 800km/h, do not dare to press aileron buttons.
Heres an example, the game automatically pulls negative Gs and rips my wing off…
For some reason gaijin screwed up the FM on this plane and the Kfir series, they pull excessive amounts of G’s for no reason…
Yeah it makes no sense, I legit have to take the A and D keys off my keyboard or i rip if im above 800km/h.
The problem seems to be pulling G’s for more than 2-3 seconds. After pulling for a certain amount of time it randomly snaps into a high g turn. If you at altitude you can still see this (but without ripping)
Instructor drops any G-limits after 3 sec pull
Very weird, unlucky i guess.
The unlucky thing about it is the planes it happens too. Pretty much all other variants of these planes are fine but these souped up Kfir C.7 and Ayit just aren’t allowed to run unless at high altitude.
Happy to see that this subject has already been raised here in the forum. I have just started grinding the Israel tech tree and also have noticed that the Ayit’s wings just fall off. The odd part is that it seems so random, because I can take the same loadout with the same fuel, go the same speed at the same altitude, and pull the same amount of Gs and sometimes it is fine while other times the wings fall off. Has anyone got some recommendations for preventing this?
What seems to occur is that after pulling a set amount of G’s for a certain amount of time, suddenly the plane will begin to pull even more G’s out of nowhere, almost as if the instructors elevator limitations suddenly get removed. I suggested making sure to watch the G load on the screen, while also tapping the negative elevator ever once in awhile to prevent the wings from snapping.
So I do look at the G warning, but for example, I just had a game and the wings came off without any G warning at all; or at least within a fraction of a second if there was a g warning before the wings coming off.
Also, if what you are saying is correct, isnt that basically the Ayit trying to pull an cobra lol because even a flankers wings would come off in a high speed cobra.
Has OP not played this game in two years? Ayits wings have been fixed for ages. Haven’t had a wing rip for so long and I play the Ayit quite often and use it to grind air events. Ayit is fine, its wings are fine, you don’t even need to pull extreme Gs to AIM-9D suckers from above. It’s still as OP as it always was. Best 9.3.
And if you’re regularly exceeding 800km/h, that just tells me you’re not running this baby with the gunpod, which is a crime against humanity. Being heavy and slow is one of the strengths of this thing. It’s like out of the movie American Made (2017), when the DEA has the fast jets, but ol’ mate Cruise can do slow much better and the DEA has to give up. Watching suckers try do slow as good as the Ayit is one of the great things about this jet. Usually they’ll lose their energy and fall to the ground as you’re dancing around in all your slowness.
Just remember - you don’t need to fly this thing like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Let your AIM-9D do the talking from 3KM out. Fly her smooth and she will reward you. Save the rapid dog fights for the Shahak and Nesher.
Easy solution: Install WTRTI (free version). Make an audio alert for > 99 % critical G value (or lower). While at it make an audio alert for > 98 % critical IAS. No more ripping.
Fixed in what way? I have died more times from the wings falling off than any other
I’m sure there was a patch ages ago that strengthened them. If I’m wrong, I’ve probably just adapted to using it in a way to never rip my wings. Ripped plenty within my first bunch of games but haven’t for the last few hundred. I run 2 AIM-9D/2 Shaf, 1 Gunpod, and 20 minutes of fuel. I just ain’t out there trying to set any speed records in it once I realised that you let your AIM-9D do the talking for you.
I jumped on to do the air event first today, because of this topic. Usually I do ground event one day and then air/naval the next. I tested Ayit out climbing and then dogfighting down low - my speed went over 800, but I never exceeded 1000 IAS at any point in the battle. Wings never even felt like they were under stress.
Thankfully, enemies think they can headon an Ayit with a gunpod, so often you get kills from your A10-esque dakadaka without even having to turn. Note: I do have the ‘New Boosters’ mod switched off.
Im having the opposite experience. I just had a match, put the airbrakes out to reduce speed, and the jet was fine in a consistant turn and all of a sudden I got a 6g warning and less than half a second hafter the wings fell off - it was so fast im not sure if the 6g warning was from the turn or from the wings having fallen off
This is the patch I was referring to earlier in the topic:
But then they reworked it immediately after that:
I watched OPs YouTube video in second post, and I just can’t explain it, it’s not something that happens to me. Here is the replay file for the game I mentioned above. That is typically how I throw the Ayit around. You can see I go 3KM+, but I also do dives/turns on the deck, all sorts of things.
(Add to your replay folder and it should show up - if you add it and it doesn’t show up in the list, delete some newer replays and it will show, can’t seem to scroll down your replay folder ingame)
(One thing I’ll note is I never CAS in the Ayit - I’m never loading 500KG mass bombs on either wing, or having to counter balance the 500KG mass bombs on either wing once one is dropped - just the load from the missiles).