Reminds me of the Japanese Shisei Anti-Aircraft Truck
So, coniddering the age and that i cant find italian WW1 ammo of the Krupp 1903 gun and conciddering that its a Export Gun, Italy most likely (like the swiss) used also German ammo.
Possible ammo and Stats
Mainly basing this on the Swiss Chart for the gun, excluding their own ammo of course, and taking the original german ammo.
Geschossringbuch I
NOTE! The weight may be off, duo to new interwar Fuze!
Deutsche Artillerie und Minenwerfer Munition 1914-1918
So make do of that what you want.
Wait, so -5° or 0°?
Either ways +1
At the moment I’m not sure, but I’m gonna investigate.
Maybe the old suggestion gives more light to the subject.
Aparently they were more or less modernised in ww2 with new ammo. Which is the AP ammo i mentioned befor.