- Yes
- Maybe
- No

In 1935 the English authorities needed to change the old armored cars. In 1936, Morris Commercial Cars, a subsidiary of Morris Motors, introduced a new vehicle on the chassis of the Morris C9 4x2 15-cwt truck. The vehicle was called Morris CS9 and was classified as a Light Armored Car or LAC. About a hundred examples were ordered, and they were put into service in 1938, although the first ones were only used operationally in 1938 by the Royal Tank Corps. Various examples were also used by Commonwealth forces, and several others fell into the hands of their adversaries. A captured Morris armored car, of the 11th Hussar Regiment at Bir El Gobi, was also inspected by Italian Marshal Italo Balbo on 21 June 1940, and was captured by the IV Division CC.NN. “January 3rd”. The armored car, along with at least one other of the same model and several others, were used during the defense of Martuba airfield in 1940 and were lost in that battle. It is not known whether other examples were captured besides the two known ones, and the certain fate of the two vehicles is not totally known.
Armaments and propulsion.
The vehicle was armed with a Rifle, Anti-Tank, .55 in, Boys type rifle and also armed with a Bren machine gun in 7.62 mm caliber. Exceptionally, the vehicle could mount a Vickers machine gun in 11×59mmR Gras caliber.
In terms of engine, the armored car was powered by a 96 hp Morris 6-cylinder petrol engine, which could push the vehicle up to a maximum speed of 73 km/h.
Crew: 4
Maximum weight: 4.5 t
Length: 4.77 m
Width: 2.05 m
Height: 2.13 m
Engine: Morris 6-cylinder petrol engine with 96 hp
Maximum speed: 73 km/h
Armament: 1x Boys 11 mm anti-tank rifle and 1x Bren 7.7 mm (+ 1x optional Vickers 11 mm caliber)
Armor: 7-0 mm
Pictures and drawnings.
Le matériel capturé par les Italiens en Afrique du Nord · Milguerres
Morris CS9 - Wikipedia
Morris CS9 - Wikipedia
Morris CS.9 armoured car (1938)
Armorama :: Resicast 1:35 Morris C9 Armoured Car Review
L’AB 41 e la sua variante Semovente da 47/32 – Storia d’Italia