So, my repair on naval is on auto, even if its not, i checked always and de “A” is not on the repair button, also if i try to stop it, pressing and holding “7”, it cycle to stop but doesn’t.
Any ideias why?
So, my repair on naval is on auto, even if its not, i checked always and de “A” is not on the repair button, also if i try to stop it, pressing and holding “7”, it cycle to stop but doesn’t.
Any ideias why?
Yep, same for me as well. I’ve died to ammo fires several times now because I’m not able to stop other repairs to prioritize fire extinguishing. Extremely frustrating bug, they need to fix ASAP
Same here, been happening for weeks now and is sporadic. It just goes to show how important it is to manage your repairs because when it happens to me I normally sink in a matter of seconds. Gaijoob plez fux
It happens to me since today, first I thought it was my mistake, but quickly I realised it has it’s own life now…
Same thing also happening with breach repair
It’s a relief to see im not the only one having this issue
Is still messed up… 2/17/25… I feed you snail, fix this crap or I’ll go feed World of War Ships…
To be fair this has been happening for a long time. I have no idea why the Auto repair option is even in the game, the boat will just ignore the setting anyway and constantly proceed to repair when I want to tackle a fire or underwatering. Even if you press and hold to cancel, the damn thing starts up again, and its not even set to Auto repair.
Very annoying.
Same trouble on my side. When auto repair bug comes, you are dead.
It fix all at the same time, so repair takes ages.
As everything is under fix , gun reload takes forever.
In the end, you are die super fast
The problem is still happening, its crazy that they didnt already fix it ;/
I’ve never seen anything like this and play hours of naval every week…
The only thing that strikes me immediately is are you holding down the 7 or 8 key long enough to stop repair or breach repairs? It is not just a single press…
Take “options” - “Common Battles Settings” - “Join already active battles” to “No”. Try it.
Will test this
Edit: It works!
what’s the link between this and the auto repair bug ?
Me and some friends are thinking it has something to do with the “bot” you replace in a match. Bots autorepair everything. So maybe somehow that setting gets transferred to the player that replaces a bot.
It’s still weird it only does it for repairs, but it’s what I suspect is happening
Haven’t taken the proper time to make a bugreport about this either. But it most certainly has to do with the “join match in progress” setting
I have the option of entering ongoing battles turned off for a very long time, so I do not replace a bot in battles.
Also, it often happens halfway through a match as well
Hi, after having turn off this option, until now , me and my son don’t feel having encountered the bug again.
so either you got it right , either wwe were lucky