Australian Slinger Weapon System

G’day, I’m looking for opinions on the Slinger Weapon System from Electro Optic Systems in Australia. It’s an anti drone system using a 30mm M230LF Bushmaster with proximity rounds and MAG58 machine gun. It’s small, lightweight and can be mounted on any vehicle. It’s also very new, only unveiled in 2023. A number of systems are on their way to help Ukraine, apparently being mounted on M113 APCs and armoured 4x4s such as their Australian Bushmasters (the vehicle, not the gun, confusing I know).
My question is, could this type of system see use in War Thunder so long as it’s on an appropriate vehicle like the M113 or Bushmaster, or is there something that would make it ineffective against aircraft? Not even sure what BR it would be at, but it sounds like a 30mm with proxy rounds plus a 7mm would have to be fairly high.

And for the gun itself (M230LF):


real cool
could be a foldered option for the m163 or before it
or could be something to put in a folder with the falcon

I’m not too concerned about which tree it would sit in, I’m just trying to figure out if it would be functional in the game at all. It seems like yes. Being the gun off the Apache essentially, it might even have access to its HEDP rounds with ~50mm pen. But as an SPAA it seems like it should work. Being able to lock up and effectively engage targets out to a few km according to the web pages.
Gaijin would need to make it more accurate than the Apache’s version of the weapon in game though I think. It might simply be that the M230LF itself is too short a range to be effective against aircraft at a BR it would need to be at with proximity rounds? I.e. It’d always be completely overpowered or totally useless depending on its BR. But I really am not sure.

If its a gun that can be used against air and ground targets, i don’t see why it shouldn’t be in war thunder. Tho balancing might be a bit tricky, i say some where around 6.7-7.7? Assume it also gonna be mounted on a decently quick chassis, some what like the wiesel but actually good at being an spaa. What is it rof tho?

200 rounds per minute max.

Just watch them add an Australian thing to the American tree/kit because heaven forbid we have nice things from commonwealth territories end up in the British tree.

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I mean, Australia is much closer militarily to the US than it is to the UK.

We are equally close to the UK (giving America the best possible light but it would be more accurate to say we’re closer to the UK), and from a game balance standpoint, it would make more sense to go to Britain.

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all of the Australian indigenous vehicles (like the AC.1) have been added to the British tree so far

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Honestly not concerned what tech tree it would be in, and that’s not the purpose of this thread. I was just trying to figure out if it would even function in the game and maybe what BR range it would have to be at given its very different performance and purpose compared to other SPAA in the game.