Aubl 74 HVG buff

After the advent of faster firing, more mobile tanks being added to the game, the Aubl 74 HVG is in worse shape than before and almost seems forgotten about.

  • oddly it has less post pen damage than the Fox
  • it has a far slower turret traverse than most other light tanks.
  • has half the shell size of the abrams, but a worse reload somehow.
  • slower than pretty much all other light tanks at or below it’s br.
  • cannot get into the better spots like the fox can

What the Aubl 74 HVG should get:

  1. A reload appropriate to its caliber, if a 120mm can be loaded in 5 secs according to the game devs, then a 60 mm should be able to be loaded in 2.5 secs right? Something in the ball park of a 3.5 or 3.75 sec reload would suffice. Instead of its current 6.0 sec reload with an ace crew.

  2. At least 15% better spall, there should be no reason APFSDS from a 60mm has less spall than a 30mm from the rarden.


If you wanted to change reload according to caliber it would affect every tank in the game lmao, especially lower br ones


It’s because they balanced it around the VCC with the fast reload and heavily nerfed performance, which also clearly showcases that shell performance has nothing to do with real world performance and is nerfed on the fly.

One of them is a 30mm APDS 500 RPM, one a 25mm APDS 200 RPM and on a 60mm APFSDS 8 RPM.



Or just move it down to 7.0/7.3 where it belongs :shrug:
The M551 76 is at 7.0 with more pen and better post pen as well as more armor and survivability + a 50 cal

While the HVG gets an even worse driver hatch deadzone than the M551 76 with worse pen and post pen (not to even mention how good the APCBC of the M551 76 is in a flank)


Fair point actually, M551 has more armor, higher pen, higher post pen damage, faster reload, better turret rotation speed, smoke shells, .50 cal, extra crew member, better depression, tracked, MG protection, better lineup options… all at an entire BR lower.

Putting it at 7.0 wouldn’t do anything for it however with autocannon post pen but with less than 2% of the RoF


It would make its mobility and penetration matter.
At 8.0, while most things are not as fast as you, they are fast enough to make your mobility irrelevant
Additionally, at 8.0 most vehicles barely have any armor and are a lot more surviveable compared to 7.0 heavies. While yeah 7.0 heavies are surviveable, your penetration does matter and you will have to actually aim for weakspots because some tanks actually have more armor than you can pen (cough cough t95)

You’ll still die after every shot because you won’t kill anything at 7.0 either, the only way to kill anything is ammo rack it or something that was already shot and low on crew or have cramped crew.

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The thing is at 7.0 you will be able to use your speed and long range capabilities a lot better which means that you will be in less situations where you cant do anything

As long as the post pen damage isn’t improved it’s going to suck at BR 1.

It’s a realistic amount of post pen though

I don’t know if that’s realistic, when the vehicle was first added it was actually playable, they just heavily nerfed small caliber APFSDS at some point.

I don’t see how it can be realistic that 60mm APFSDS has the same post pen as 30mm APDS.

Most APFSDS overperforms

This is why I don’t get why the m551, T29, and the like aren’t 7.3 or higher.
But I think with what I’ve suggested, it’ll fix the Aubl to be fun and fair

In the real world ripping through a tank with APFSDS is enough to have the crew bail out and not going to be a threat anymore, but the game doesn’t have that type of realism, which is why it’s obnoxious they will model a safety feature for the Leopard 2 that existed to protect the barrel when barrels don’t even interact with the world and cannot be damaged.

Some crew are very brave irl, others, not so much.

What cannons did you use here?

This issue also exists in rooikat MK.1D

BMP-2M, M3A3 Bradley.

Rookat??? Are you joking? It has a 105 XD

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Rooikat MK1D is a 76mm main gun, it is not Rooikat 105, they are not the same gun