Atlas XTP-1 Beta: Puma on Steroids

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Atlas XTP-1 Beta

Hello and welcome to my suggestion for the Atlas XTP-1 Beta! A South African Version of the Aerospatiale SA.330 Puma armed with a wide array of weapons as a test bed for the Future Rooivalks weapons systems. I feel this could come to the game as it is one of the most interesting helicopters often forgotten about by historians.



As the Development of South Africa’s first domestic Attack Helicopter progressed a need arose for a platform to test the weapon systems that would be featured in the future Helicopter, and as the XH-1 Alpha did not have any provisions to test said weapons (Or any at all) Atlas turned to a Pre existing Helicopter they already had plenty of experience building and maintaining, the SA.330 Puma.

The First Beta took flight in 1987 and was continually developed throughout its life, with the additions of Missile guidance systems and a 20mm GA-1 cannon on its underbelly. Most notably however the Beta was credited with being the First South African Helicopter to fire an Air to Air missile when it fired a V3B missile during tests.

In all two Betas were built and were tested for several years as the Development of the Rooivalk continued, with both airframes being retired in the early 90s as the First Rooivalk prototypes emerged and the need for testing airframes disappeared. As far as I can tell, both airframes were modified to Atlas Oryxes after the tests were complete but not much is known past that.




An early Mod. Beta armed with ZT-3 ATGMs, Unguided rockets however lacking the 20mm cannon


A Beta in a later (1990 onwards) modification armed V3B M AAMs an ZT-3 ATGMs


Another Late model in flight sometime in the Early 90s, also shows the upgraded Missile guidance system


Close up of the Pylons of the Beta


Beta during test firing of the V3B Missiles

Specs/ Armament



Place in game


Personally I believe this would be a great addition to the British Heli tree, currently the tree needs more variety and it would be great to play a non premium South African Heli alongside the Ground vehicles and now the Gripen C at some point in the future.

in terms of BR I would probably say around 10.7 as it uses most of the weapons systems of the Rooivalk however is much larger and less agile alongside having very little countermeasures as far as I can tell



South African XPTI Puma Helicopter | Secret Projects Forum
Atlas XTP-1 Beta (SA 330 Puma) - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum


Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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